51 : What next ? - Charis

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    Charis , Phedora and Sot were walking out of the Resistence's library . Petros disappeared through the library as soon as Athena ended the meeting .
"I will go back to my dorm to strategise more ." Phedora announced the first thing after she closed the library's door .
"I will go with you , I have no archery lessons today ." Charis said .
    Sot sighed deeply "Even more strategising ? I almost fell asleep multiple times through that meeting . You two go ahead and do your strategies , I will wait for Petros to get out ." he spoke as he leaned himself on a wall .
    A smile crept on Charis' lips as she spoke "Alright , see you later then !"
    Charis and Phedora left , strolling along the hallway .
"When did these two get such close friends ?" Phedora asked as they walked .
    Charis shrugged , the same smile on her face "Nothing gets people closer than a trip to Tartarus ."
    Phedora bursted into laughter .
But I am indeed glad that Petros got out a little from his shell . And he also spends time with the boy he likes and also got Sot to give up on his crush on me . It is a win for both of us . Charis smiled to herself . And I also did not do anything to bring them closer . I wish it could be this easy to get anything done .


    Charis entered Phedora's room last and closed the door behind herself .
    The room looked the same as it always did . There were things scattered all across Phedora's desk but that was the only mess from that room . The books were organised carefully on the bookshelves , the bed was made and the windows were wide open , letting the sunshine enter the room gracefully .
    Phedora hurriedly pushed some of the objects on her desk away to reveal a map . It was an ink-drawn  map of their city , showing the houses and the two bases . It looked quite similar to the one that was in the library .
"Athena said that we should chose the army formation most suitable for the place so that is what we are going to do ." Phedora spoke at she grabbed a graphite pen . 
     Charis walked closer to the desk .
     Phedora drew a circle right in front of the Finders' base "This is the area the fight will take place in . Just a few miles away from the city . Plenty of space for our army to attack in a horizontal rectangle formation or a vertical one ."
    Charis just nodded . She was not the type to strategise but she did not hate it . Sometimes a good strategy can gift you a good victory "I suggest a horizonal one . Covers a greater place and if we are lucky we can circle the finders' army like that ."
"You have a point . So a horizontal rectangle formation is our first option . And for the march through the city ?" Phedora traced a line along the main street of the city .
"How about the vertical rectangle formation ? Easier to fit through the streets ." Charis traced the path on the map with her finger "Then right before we get to the Finders' base we switch with the other formation ."
"Good idea . So that settles the formation ...Now what ?" Phedora finally took her eyes off the map and looked at Charis .
     Charis smiled "Relax ? Because all we did today was strategise ?"
    Phedora smiled back "That works ."
    Charis walked to the open window and looked outside . Helios' chariot was still shinning brightly above everyone . From the room's window you could see the ruin of Mt. Olympus in the distance . I wonder what could this place look like after the war ends . Could it be different after the gods take control ? 
"Char ?" Phedora snapped Charis out of her thoughts .
    Charis turned herself away from the window "What is it ?"
"Have you ever wondered what to do next after the war ? I mean in the case that we win ." Phedora was seated in her desk chair , fidgeting with the graphite pen . She is nervous , Charis knew .
"We celebrate our victory ? Awake the gods ? Reconstruct Mt. Olympus ?" Charis said as if the answer was obvious .
"Yes ...but what do we do with the finders that remain ? Where do they go ? Do we kill them ? Throw them in a prison ? That could only make us no better than them ." Phedora was looking away from Charis , staring at the wall of her own room .
     Charis frowned "Phedora... I know you have a good heart but we can not just let them go free . They can always rise again and try to defeat us . We either end everything once and for all or don't at all ."
     Phedora still did not move her glance from the walls "But what if some of them are actually good people ?"
    Charis frowned deeper "How can you say that ? They have been tormenting us for centuries ! If there was a single good person between them then we could have known long ago ." What even got into your head , Phedora ..?
     Phedora looked down at the floor , still avoiding Charis' gaze "I was just wondering about it...it is stupid ."
    Charis could hear a slight uncertainty in her tone .

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