3 : The Welcoming - Alk

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Alk entered the Finder's base . His sack hung along his back as he walked through the giant doors . The same as the arena , the base was at the foothill of Mt. Othrys . The base was made entierly from obsidian , the inside very dark and only lighted by the sunlight seeping through the windows and little cracks in the walls . The whole base was like a maze , lots of corridors , doors and rooms . The place had around twenty floors .
Please don't tell me my room is at the last floor .
As he walked through the main hall , someone approached Alk giving him a piece of paper .
"Welcome to the Finders , recruit !" the person said with a big smile . It didn't reach their eyes though .
Alk took the paper "Thank you" he said forcing a smile .
"Feel free to explore around if you want and stop at the clothes' shop for your uniform !" the person said then walked away .
I do not even know why I was expecting someone to give me tour of the place . Why could they bother dragging someone twenty floors ? Alk looked at the paper . It was the entire map of the base . At least they gave me a map . I should first go to the clothes' shop before exploring , he looked at the map searching for the shop Oh , it's right on this corridor , thanks the titans ! Alk walked down the corridor to a large door made out of dark oak . "Uniform Shop" was written with golden letters at the top of the door . Alk opened the door and stepped inside the shop . The room was surprisingly lighter than the rest of the base . In the middle of the room was a mannequin wearing a black jacket with fur at the neck and little bronze shields attached at the wrists , a golden shirt underneath , black leather pants and glossy black boots . Next to it were another four mannequins , each wearing cloaks in different colors : light green , dark blue , violet and crimson red .
"Are you looking for your uniform , new recruit ?" a voice interrupted Alk's concentration . He turned to see a middle-aged lady wearing the same uniform . The cloak on her back wasn't any of the four colors but a light gold .
"Yes" Alk said .
The lady examinated him from head to toe then nodded for herself .
"Wait a moment " she said then disappeared behind a little door at the back of the shop .
Minutes later the lady got out holding one of the uniforms and the light green cloak . She gave them to Alk .
"Are you sure they will fit me ?" Alk asked while looking at the uniform .
"Trust me , it will fit you perfectly . I wasn't made the designer for nothing " the lady said coldly as if she was deeply offended by Alk's question " You should try it on in the changing room " she pointed to a door .
"Alright .." Alk walked to the changing room .

The lady was right . It did fit me perfectly , Alk thought while looking at the big mirror in the changing room . He hung the green cloak on his back and put his weapons' belt on then left the room .
"See ? It fits you as I said " the lady said as Alk walked out of the changing room .
"Before I leave ... can I ask you a question ?" Alk said .
The lady nodded .
Alk looked at the mannequins wearing cloaks " Why are there four different colors for the cloaks ?"
The lady smiled " Each cloak means a rank in the Finders . Light green means apprentice , dark blue means official Finder , the most common rank that every apprentice gets after one year of serving and training . Violet means co-general , which is obtained by succeding in a major mission and crimson red means general , the highest rank in the Finders . At the moment only fifty Finders are generals . The rank is obtained by serving in the Finders for decades or by doing a great deed "
Alk listened with interest "What about your cloak ?"
"It's just to differentiate us , non-field workers from the Finders " the lady said still smiling
"Thank you for answearing my question ! Have a great after-noon !" Alk said as he walked out of the shop.

I forgot how dark the inside of the base is , Alk thought while closing the shop's door . He got out of his sack the base's map .
The apprentices' chambers..tenth floor...Kronos give me patience ...
Alk found the stairs and climbed untill the tenth floor . Sweat trickled down his neck .
The floor was divided in multiple corridors for each titan . Alk walked to the corridor which had the name Hyperion . Someone stood waiting at the start of the corridor "Child of Hyperion ?" they said .
"Yes . My name is Alk"
The person's eyes wided in surprise as they smiled " You are Alkaios ?! The one who fought that child of Kronos ?!" they said in awe .
Alk frowed "Yes..how did you know ?"
"The news have been circulating through the whole base !" the person said with exitement "I am so honored to meet you !"
Alk forced a smile "The honor is mine..." he looked behind the person at the doors from the corridor "About my room.."
"Oh , sorry " the person grabbed a key from a large keychain "Here is your key" they handed it to Alk with shaky hands .
Alk grabbed it and stuffed it in a pocket " Thank you " he walked past the person .
His smile disappeared . He felt the person's insistent stare on his back as he walked down the corridor .
"All I did was to best someone in combat , what is so great about that ...?" he mumbled as he walked .

Lost in his thoughs , Alk didn't pay attention to where he was walking and bumped into someone .
"Watch where you are going !" the person said . The voice was oddly familiar .
Alk turned his head to see the girl from earlier at the arena who tried to befriend him .
"Wait ... you were a child of Hyperion too ?" the girl said as she realised who bumped into her .
"Yes.." Alk said .
"You don't look like it .." the girl said .
"Thank you , I didn't realise that !" Alk said with sarcasm .
The girl chuckled "No problem , my baby brother Alk !"
Alk rolled his eyes "If you will excuse me , I will go find my room " he started walking .
A tight grasp on his arm stopped him .
"I never told you my name " the girl said maintaining the tight grip .
Alk sighed "Alright , what is your name ?"
"Iro" Iro said smiling .
"Can you let go of my arm now , Iro ?" Alk asked .
Iro let go of his arm .
"Thank you" Alk said "Now I will go find my room" he started walking . This time no one stopped him .

Alk's room was bigger than he expected . Large windows , a large and comfortable bed in a corner , next to it a closet , some training dummies in another corner and a desk facing the windows , giving a great view outside to anyone who stood at the desk .
Alk opened his sack and got everything out on the desk . He unbuckled his weapons' belt and put it in the closet along with his cloak and jacket . Alk got his boots off and sat on the bed . He never realised how tired he actually was . Alk fell asleep instantly when he closed his eyes .

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