14 : The temple - Iro

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In love ? With who ? , Iro walked on the Finders' base dark corridors . She sighed I should had asked him . He was drunk anyway so he could have not remembered anything , Iro chuckled Wonder who is the lucky girl .. or guy . Who am I to judge something like that ?
       Iro walked along the halls to her chamber at the seventeenth floor . She needed to change in her finder uniform and get to work . It was her turn to escort the morning patrol around the city . There are three patrols per day : the morning one , the after-noon one and the night one . They always need to be escorted by co-generals . Luckly , Iro never had a night patrol so she could go and have fun out some of the nights .
        She could not recognize , but she felt a heavy ache in her head from all the drinking from last night . Iro had done these type of things multiple times so she knew how to ignore the pain .
If I feel this pain from two bottles , wonder how Alk feels after four , she chuckled again .


        The sun shone proudly over the beautiful city of Athens . A warm wind made the tree leaves rustle and fly .
        Iro's violet cloak flew back as she walked on the streets . A party of ten finders walked behind her . All had their weapons in their hands . It was a strategy to intimidate the citizens easier , even though that they were already intimidated by just seeing their uniforms . It also helped them get in combat position faster in case of any attack . Iro glanced across the place , looking for any suspect actions .
       They walked next to Hecate's temple . Iro suddenly stopped from walking . The finders behind her stopped too .
"Did you see something , co-general ?" one of the finders asked looking at the temple .
        Iro saw three figures inside the temple . One of them was taller than the other two . She heard muffled voices talking then some purple smoke swirled around the temple .
"I will go investigate" she looked back at the finders "Aris , you are in charge untill I get back"
The boy nodded . The other finders looked at Aris with jealous looks .
        Iro walked slowly to Hecate's temple . She had her bronze sword in her hand , prepared for combat . The smoke got on her boots as she got closer and closer to the entrance of the temple .
        Two girls stood inside the temple . One was a brunette and the a other a blonde . The brunette was holding tightly a strange flask . Both the girls were dressed in dark clothing .
Maybe they are two of Hecate's priestesses . But why did I saw three sillhouettes ?
"Good morning , girls . I am co-general Iro . I observed some suspicious activity . What is happening here ?" Iro smiled at them warmly . She did not want to seem too scary .
The brunette froze on spot , Iro seeing the rising fear in her eyes . The blonde spoke first "Good morning , co-general . Pleasant to see you" she smiled at her "We are just some of Hecate's priestesses who did a complicated ritual" 
The brunette came to her senses . The girl nodded while smiling too "We are truly sorry for causing any confusion"
That could explain the smoke ... but what about the third figure ? Was I seeing things ?
Iro smiled at the girls "Alright then . Have a great day" she walked out of the temple , returning to her party of finders .
"So what was the problem ?" Aris asked Iro .
"It was a misunderstanding" Iro smiled at the finders "Let's continue the partol now before it gets late" the other finders agreed and continued walking . Iro looked back at the temple , seeing it getting smaller and smaller as they got further .
Something is fishy there .. and I will find out what , Iro sighed , putting a hand on her forehead , the pain aching Later though , I am not feeling in the mood for investigations right now .

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