11 : Risky plan - Phedora / Alk

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The tables in the dining hall were full of people talking and eating their breakfast . Phedora stood at the same table with Charis and two other demigods that talked with eachother too loudly , ignoring the two girls . Charis ate a cheese sandwich . Phedora had no appetite . All she thought about the rest of the night was the plan she had to make . She did not manage to come up with anything at all .
"You should eat something , you cannot starve like that . The breakfast is the most important meal" Charis said then bit her cheese sandwich .
Phedora sighed "I know , I know . It's just...I have to tell you something important"
Charis raised an eyebrow "What is it , Phed ?"
Phedora leaned closer to Charis and whispered in her ear "I think that I am actually the demigod of the Prophecy "
Charis looked at her . A smiled appeared on her face "Finnaly accepted that , eh ? Took you long enough . So what now ?"
Phedora stood silent , sorting out her thoughts "I want to make a plan and fulfill the prophecy once and for all"
"I am helping you. " Charis said firmly .
Well that was easier than I thought , Phedora thought while smiling with triumph "After breakfast meet me in the library to do a research" Phedora told Charis .
"Alright" she responded then continued eating her sandwich .
Eventually Phedora ate an apple after Charis kept pleading for her to eat something .

Phedora got in the library first . Charis said she has to do something before going there .
In the meantime , Phedora occupied a table in the library then started searching carefully through the library for books about the Titans and Gods . The shelves were surprisingly clean . The books were sorted per subject and from A to Z . It was easy work to find the section named "Greek history and the Titan War" . She took three armful of books and put them on her table . Phedora sat on one of the chairs and took the first book from the first stack . She looked at the table of contents to select the chapters she was interested in .
Before managing to do so , she heard some footsteps behind her . She turned her head to see Charis heading to her table .
"I see you have found lots of books to research from" Charis said in a low tone . She sat on another chair and took a book . Phedora passed Charis a piece of paper and an ink pen "Write down any information that could be useful" Phedora told Charis . Charis nodded .

"Ooh , I have found something !" Charis said with exitement .
"Me too " Phedora smiled "What did you find ?"
"No , you say first " Charis smiled back .
Phedora rolled her eyes while smiling "Fine , I will say first . I found a speculation that the one who send the Ancient Prophecy from Mount Othrys was Rhea" Phedora read from her piece of paper .
"So that means..." Charis started .
"Yes , if we find Rhea , there could be a chance she could be willing to help us kill Kr-..." she stopped before saying the titan's name . What if he hears what she said from his throne from Mt. Othrys ?"...the Great Titan Lord" she corrected herself .
"But how can we find her ? Is she not on Mount Othrys with the other titans ? Do not tell me you plan on sneaking there ! Even if you take any of the children of Hermes with you .. they could probably steal something and you will get caught and thrown in the prison"
Phedora flinched as Charis said the word prison .
"Are you alright ?" Charis said with concern in her eyes .
Phedora smiled nervously "Yes , I am alright"
Charia frowed at her "No , you are not . Why did you flinch like that ?" her gaze softened as she put a hand on Phedora's arm "You can tell me if anything is wrong , you know "
Phedora smiled at her "No , I am alright , I swear" she never told Charis about the nightmare she kept having .
Charis raised an eyebrow "Ok , if you say so" she took her hand off Phedora's arm .
"Anyways , what did you find ?" Phedora changed the subject .
Charis looked down at her notes "Do you remember how Hecate is one of the only titans who are considered to be a god ?"
Phedora looked at her confused "What about it ?"
"She is also the godess on necromancy , so..." Charis gestured for Phedora to continue .
Phedora's eyes widen in realisation "She can help us awake the gods !"
Charis smiled " Exactly . If we get Rhea and Hecate on our side , it could be easier for us.. for you to defeat the titans and awake the gods"
Phedora nodded . She was moving her ink pen between her fingers deep in thought "But how can we find them ? And if we do , how are we supposed to convince them ? I bet even the children of Hecate from here do not know where she is"
Charis bit her lower lip . A little habit she had when thinking deeply about something . A blonde strand of hair fell on her face as she looked down at her notes while tapping on the table with her fingers . Phedora was waiting for her response patiently . Charis ended up having no idea .
"Ooh !" Phedora said , an idea coming in her head .
Maybe I can get some information from the Finders' base . Maybe I can infiltrate if I say I want to talk with the general . I have heard Alkaios became one some time ago ..
"What ? What did you come up with ?" Charis looked at Phedora with curiousness in her eyes .
Phedora blushed with embarassment "Nevermind , it is a stupid idea and it could get me killed"
Charis sighed "So we have got no plan yet"
Phedora shrugged "We at least got some useful information . That is a first step"
Charis smiled widely "You are right"
Phedora smiled back . The truth is that she did not want to tell her the idea so Charis could not insist to come with her ... and because she was actually not sure if it could work .
This after-noon I will go, Phedora thought I know in the after-noon Charis goes to practice archery . I will tell the guards I have to deliver a message personally to Alkaios .

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