33 : Death sits upon the throne now - Petros

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The palace was overall built in a gothic style . Its walls were tall and made out of a dark grey stone Petros could not identify . The roof was of a copper red . The windows were made out of a violet glass . They were glowing slightly , meaning the lights were on inside . Two tall columns stood on the main door's left and right , which was made of dark oak .
A green spot surrounded the beautiful construction in all directions . The grass had an unnatural greyish green color . The trees were of different heights , carrying various tasty-looking fruits . The most common fruit in the garden was the pomegranate .
The garden also had various bushes full of berries and various beatiful flowers of all kinds and colors .
Around the garden was a long and tall iron fence . At some point it had a gate .
The four demigods stood in front of the iron gate , some looking through the bars of the fence at the ethereal garden .
"It's so beatiful..." Sot said in awe .
"It's Persephone's Garden ." Petros said , somehow at the same time as Charis .
He turned his head at the daughter of Apollo with a slight frown . She was looking at him too with a slight smile "So you know the story too ?"
"Of course ." Petros said , in his ususal cold tone .
"What story ..?" Phedora asked .
Both Petros and Charis' heads turned quickly to Phedora . They both looked at her in silence .
Phedora looked at both with confusion "What ?" she asked , an awkward smile forming on her face .
"I will not comment anything.." Petros said .
"Me neither ." Charis agreed .
"You two seem to actually know stuff about this garden . Do we have to walk across it to get to the palace or is there another way to skip it ?" Sot asked , as he leaned slightly on an iron bar of the fence .
"There is no way of skipping the garden ." Charis said .
"It's like a test . You have to go across the garden first to get to the palace without eating any of the fruits ." Petros said , crossing his arms .
"If you eat the fruits , they will bid you here , in the Underworld ." Charis added .
"Sounds easy ." Sot said .
"Believe me , it's not ." Petros shook his head slowly "It's a magical garden . It's not like any other one . It has it subtle ways to trick you ." he explained .
"Alright ." Sot nodded slowly .
Phedora took some steps foward , now standing in front of the gate "Maybe we could just run through the garden until we find the main door ."
"It can work ." Charis agreed .
"It can work only if you do not gaze much at your surroundings ." Petros added .
"Noted . Then let us go ." Phedora pushed the iron gate open .


Petros was quickly running through the garden , only focusing on the main door of the palace .
Phedora was running at the front of the group , being the one that first got through the fence gate .
Sot was not much behind , running just some metres behind Petros .
Charis was running last , behind the other three . She said she wanted to make sure no one diverted from the path .
But clearly she did not took in count the possibility of herself diverting from the path , as everyone realized on the threshold of the palace that Charis was nowhere to be seen .
Sot turned his head around to search for Charis . Petros could see the hopelesness on his face .
"I-I will go search for Charis .." Sot said , taking a step away from the threshold .
Phedora put a hand on his shoulder "I will go search for her . Maybe your worry will cloud your focus ." Phedora speeded into the garden again .
After she was out of view , Sot collapsed on the ground and hugged his knees . Petros frowned slightly at him . I can't belive he worries so much for her... actually , I can belive it .
Petros knelled down beside Sot "You are very worried for Charis , aren't you ?" he asks .
Sot lifted his head to look at the son of Hecate "Of course I do ! I.." he stopped , suddenly blushing slightly .
Petros controlled himself not to frown harder . He looked away "You love her , don't you ?" Petros asked , before even thinking was he was about to say .
Petros saw Sot blushing harder at the corner of his eye . He frowned harder , hoping Sot could not notice it .
"..yes ." Sot said .
"I wish you didn't .." Petros mumbled , inaudible .
"..what did you say ?" Sot asked .
"I said I wish you didn't !" Petros said , this time louder . He then regretted everything he said .
Petros finally turned his head to look at Sot . He was staring at him with a confused frown "Why ?" he asked .
I already digged my hole , I might as well just bury myself in it . "She does not like you back and she never will . Can't you just see it ?!" Petros said in a colder tone than expected .
Sot frowned harder at him "I know... but you could at least just let me hope ."
"Your hope is useless ." Petros' mouth was now speaking on its own "And anyways , there are lots of other people who probably like you ." Like me , for an example .
"What are you trying to convince me to do exactly ?" Sot said , surprising Petros with his hateful tone . Then Sot suddenly got up from the ground .
Petros looked up at him .
"Actually... I think I know what's happening here.." Sot smiled , but Petros observed it was not a normal smile of his .
Oh no .. , Petros thought .
"You..you like Charis too , don't you , Petros ? You just want me to get out of the way so you can have your way with her , isn't it ?" Sot grinned while saying that .
Petros' eyes widened . No no no no no no ... "No , it's not that .." Petros said , his voice dying at the end of the sentence .
"What else could it be then ?" Sot asked .
Maybe it could be the fact that I like you , not Charis ? , Petros though but did not say .
Petros remained silent . Sot nodded slowly , now with a different expression on his face . He looked hurt . Petros looked away from him . It could hurt him more to look at that expression .
"And here I thought we were friends .." Sot said , crossing his arms .
Petros' eyes were now wide open . He opened his mouth to say something but he knew that if he said anything he couldn't control himself and burst into a frustrated cry .
At the same time , Phedora appeared on the threshold with Charis . The daughter of Apollo had her eyes unfocused . Phedora looked at the two boys with a confused expression .
"What happened here ?" Phedora asked .
Petros quickly got up "Nothing happened . What happened to her ?" he pointed to Charis .
Phedora sighed "She was right on the point of eating one of those fruits . We're lucky I found her in time . The bad part is that after I took that fruit from her hand , she remained like this . It's as if she's in a trance ."
"Will she remain like this forever ?" asked Sot . His voice sounded more serious now .
As if to answer his question , Charis started blinking slowly then suddenly jolted .
She then turned her head to look around her "One second I was there in the garden , running . Next second I stop to look at one of the trees .. then I don't remember the rest ." Charis mumbled , loud enough for everyone to hear .
"You were about to eat a fruit ." Phedora told her "But you are alright now . I came in time and stopped you ."
"Thank you " Charis said .
"Do you need a moment calm down , Char ?" Phedora asked her .
"No , I am okay now . Let's enter the palace ." Charis said with a weakened smile "I'm sorry that I delayed everyone like that .."
"It's alright . It was the garden's fault ." Sot said "Let's go now ." he turned to the palace's doors , not making eye contanct with anyone .
Before Sot could grab the doorknob , the doors opened slowly by themselves .
The four demigods stepped inside .


"I suppose we've been expected ." Phedora said as they all four walked along the palace's hall .
It was tall and luxurious . Big chandeliers were hanging from the ceilling , the only source of light in the room . Dark paintings were on the walls , picturing -as Petros guessed- scenes from the Gods' history .
Petros felt a hand on his shoulder . He turned his head to see Charis staring at him with a worried look . You are the last person I want to see right now , Charis .
"Are you okay ? You keep frowning ." Charis asked .
Did I ? Probably .. "Not exactly , but do not worry of me ." Petros said .
"If you say so then alright . But really , if there is anything wrong , don't refrain from telling me . I know we've only known eachother for some days and I don't know enough about you to actually help with anything , but I can listen to you if you need that ." Charis smiled warmly .
Petros blinked a few times at her , staring in shock "T-thanks .." he said .
Charis smiled again and returned to walking besides Phedora .
Petros stared blankly at the hall's walls . He felt something in his stomach . A feeling he could distinguish pretty well . Guilt .
I've been hating her for so long , I've been wishing her death for so long.. but she's such a kind person ..now nothing makes sense ... I'm feeling like such an idiot .
Then Petros proceeded to walk like that , trying this time not to frown .
At the end of the hall was an empty throne . It was made of dark oak , different symbols engraved in the handles .
The four stopped in front of it , looking around the hall .
"Hello ? Is anyone here ?" Phedora asked .
Suddenly a shadow swirled around the throne .
A minute later a tall man stood on the throne . He had long black hair , porcelain skin and black eyes . He was dressed in dark robes and had a large scythe in his hand . The man smiled at the demigods .
Petros could not hide his shock . Now it all makes sense .
"You are Thanatos ." Petros said .
"Yes , son of Hecate . I rule the Underworld now ." Thanatos smiled . He turned his eyes to Phedora "Welcome , Demigod of the Prophecy ."

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