25 : The Doorway - Phedora / Petros

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      Phedora walked into the Resistence's base backyard . There Charis and Sot stood , both wearing backpacks . They seemed to be talking about something , not observing when Phedora walked behind them . She did not want them to observe her either .
      Phedora's hands were shaky and her eyes were faintly wide with shock . The expression on her face and her pink-tinted cheeks could raise suspicion .
      She was wearing her weapons' belt with all her daggers , some smaller , some larger and sharper . She had as well a backpack hanging on her shoulders , inside some food , a water quiver , some ambrosia and nectar for emergencies , spare clothes and  bandages . Phedora remembered tossing all this things in the backpack without much thought . She could not concentrate much on order .
How lucky I am , I need to take a trip into the Underworld but I can't even concentrate on walking properly . And it's all because of him . Gods , why did he do that ?
      Charis's voice slipped her out of her thoughts . Her friend was looking at her in question , her arms crossed . Phedora did not hear what she said "What..?"
"I asked you if you are okay , you look as if you saw a ghost ." Charis said and Phedora heard the concern in her tone .
     Sot was looking at her too in question but did not say anything .
     Phedora just chuckled nervously "Oh , yeah , I'm okay , just a little nervous for the mission , it's not like I travel to the Underworld every day ."
"She has a point ." Sot said .
      Phedora sighed with relief .
"Anyways.. so now we are going where ?" Charis asked , looking at Sot , her eyebrow arched .
"Well..." Sot scratched the back of his neck "..we need to find a doorway to the Underworld ."
"We know that , but where is this doorway ?" Charis asked , Phedora feeling her getting impatient .
"Um.." Sot smiled nervously "..they don't have a specific place to appear . We need to search around until we find one ."
      Charis facepalmed lightly .
"Of course it could not be that easy ." Phedora sighed .
"Luckly I know one of those doorways is around the base , if the information I got from that Hades kid is correct ." Sot tried to lighten the mood .
"Should had said that in the first place ." Charis said .
"So we just need to walk around the base until we find it , right ?" Phedora asked .
"Yes , kind of like that ." Sot said "Couldn't be that hard , right ?"
"I suppose .." Charis said .
"Well , I don't think we should waste more time then ." Phedora smiled at them "The quicker we get in there and get out with Athena's soul , the better ."


Athena's soul ? Gods , what in Tartarus are they trying to do ? , Petros thought while peeking from behind a bush from the base's backyard at the demigods' conversation .
      He prepared himself since the day before for this . He had a backpack , a dagger , a sword too -but he hid it with magic- and a flask of a potion of invisibility .  It was the first time he ever made that potion and he was kind of nervous on using it , but luckly he would use it only for emergencies -for example when there is no place to hide in plain sight . He of course knew how to make things invisible without the potion -for example that time he helped Sot with an invisibility spell to sneak somewhere- , but the spell takes a long time to cast so a potion could be more efficient .
     Petros could not deny the fact that he was actually quite exited to follow the three . He always wondered how the Underworld looked . He always wanted to see the infamous palace of Hades and Persephone's garden .
      But he was actually much more exited to be around Sot , even if he isn't supossed to observe him . Without realizing , the corners of his mouth twitched , in a failed attempt of a smile .
      Then he noticed the three moving away .
      Petros pulled his black hood on his head and started following them with sly steps , trying to not make any sound .
       He was good at making no sound . He was good at it even when he did not mean it .  For example , when he walked in a room , no one notices him until he either walks closer or talks -which is rare- and when that happens , people react as if he stepped out of the shadows .
        Petros considered himself good at infiltrating and sneaking , but not as good as the Hermes children . They were born with that power , when Petros was just ...too introverted to be observable . That was not exactly a power .
       Petros paced behind the three demigods , passing behind trees , as they walked around the base .


       Phedora felt a strange chill on her back as she walked along with Charis and Sot . A familiar feeling she had that one night when Alkaios came to the base . As if someone was following her .
      She turned her head to look back from time to time just to make sure . There was nothing . Everything seemed normal . So she came to the conclusion that maybe she was just nervous .
       But even with that thought , she still felt a strange sense of danger .
"No one saw you two when you got out of the base ?" Phedora asked .
       Sot put a hand on his chest dramatically "How dare you doubt my sneaking skills , Phedora !"
      Charis snorted , probably trying not to laugh "I don't think anyone saw us . At least I hope so ."
       Phedora smiled nervously "I hope so too ."
      Then before them appeared a black spot on the ground . It was round and the size of a pillar's base , enough for one person to fit in it's area .
"Is that it ?" Phedora asked , looking in question at Sot . He nodded slowly while looking down at the supossed doorway .
"I expected something more , honestly ." Charis mumbled .
       Sot took a step in the black circle . Black smoke started swirlling around his leg . He quickly took his leg out "What in Tartarus.."
"Wow..what a coward ." Charis smirked then stepped into the circle fully .
       The black smoke started swirlling around her , then when the smoke fell , Charis was gone .
      Sot speeded then in the circle . He then dissapeared the same way Charis did .
      Phedora was taking a step in it too but she suddenly heard a leaf rustle behind her . She turned but saw nothing strange , as always .
Gods , this is stressing me out .
       Then she quickly stepped in the circle , eager to escape whoever followed them , if there was someone .


That was close .. , Petros though as he sighed with relief behind another bush . He took a last peek from behind it to make sure no one was around then stood up and walked to the dark circle .
       He took a glance at it . He shrugged . Whatever it is , it is . Then he stepped inside .
       Petros felt the smoke surround him , causing a little chill on his back .
       Then he was floating . Floating but downwards .

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