1 : A new recruit - Alk

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"You have to get in ! You will bring glory and fame to this family ! You have to show me you are not useless , Alkaios ! After all I have spend on you !" Alk's mother yelled at him .
Alk stood looking down at the floor " Yes , mother.." he said .
"Now GO !" his mother pointed to the door .
Alk walked out of the house , a sack on his back . He was only fifteen when he left to join the Finders .
That day was the annual tournament for a place . The Titans chose only a hundred demititans to be a part of the Finders . Alk was a child of Hyperion , the shinny and powerful titan . When his mother told him that , he thought she was joking . Alk didn't look anything like his father with his dark messy hair and pitch black eyes . Anyone could think he's just a normal mortal . He should had been happy knowing that he's a child of a Titan but instead it only made his life harder . His mother only wanted him to bring her fame and gold . She never really cared about him . His mother made him train everyday since he was eight for this moment .
Actually , I think I've never had a real childhood , Alk thought while walking on the marble alleys of Greece . There was no doubt he could lose knowing how much he trained .
The large arena appeared in the distance . It was build right next to Mt. Othrys , the base of the Titans . That was the only day when all the Titans showed up in one place , except for Helios who was on his job .
At the entrance there were standing two guards having swords in their hands . They frowed at Alk .
"Name ?" one of them asked .
"Alkaios.." Alk responded ".. son of Hyperion "
The guards changed surprised expressions .
I'm not even surprised of this reaction , Alk thought then raised an eyebrow at the guards Can you two let me enter now ?
The two guards observed his expression and walked away from the entrance letting Alk to enter . He walked into the backstage .
There were hundreds of demititans . Some where talking with eachother , sharpening their weapons or looking through the entrance to the arena searching for their parent . Alk seemed the youngest from all of them .
Alk sat on a wooden bench and started sharpening his sword and dagger . The sword was his main weapon but the dagger was his second plan if he got disarmed by the opponent . He kept the dagger at his weapons' belt when in combat .
After nicely sharpening his weapons he stood on the bench waiting for a sign of the tournament starting .
I think I got here pretty early , he thought . Alk looked around the backstage again analyzing every inch of the room out of boredom .
His eyes led upon the entrance to the arena . Wonder how it looks like , he thought . Alk stood up and walked to the gravel door . He looked in awe at the enormous battle arena . The seats around it where occupied by titans . Alk didn't botter to guess who was his father . If Helios wasn't there then obviously Hyperion could be the shiniest one .
As Alk stared at the arena a loud sound came from a large bell he didn't quite pay attention to . He guessed it was the signal to get ready to enter the arena by the other demititans who were preparing their weapons and telling eachother good luck .

The entrance opened and the demititans got out of the backstage , some running to be the first ones there , others walking patiently behind them .
"Welcome , our children !" Kronos said from his highly decorated seat " The rules are the same as every year : if you touch the ground you are eliminated and if you kill anyone you are also eliminated . The last hundred on their feet win. Good luck everyone ! Now FIGHT !" Kronos said with enthusiasm .
All around Alk the fighting started , sword clinging , daggers slashing . He didn't wait long before jumping into the fight dodging daggers and slashing with his sword .
This is too easy ! he thought .
Suddenly Alk got elbowed from the back . He was losing his balance and now was falling to the ground . Alk pushed his sword into the ground one momemt before falling and regained his balance . He looked at his back to see who elbowed him .
A guy stood behind him smiling "I didn't know they let kids to the tournament " he said grinning . The guy had light hair and emerald green eyes . His skin was tan and he looked around eighteen . He was only a little bit taller than Alk and was carrying twin swords in his hands .
Alk frowed at him "We will see who is a kid .." he said pulling his sword from the ground . Alk speeded at him with his sword ready . He slashed at him but the boy dodged with ease .
"Too slow !" he smirked at him .
Alk clenched his teeth then ran at him again . This time when the demititan dodged Alk fastly pulled out his dagger and stabbed at his side . He felt the dagger cutting through skin and the next second the boy was on the ground , his hand on the wound trying to stop the bleeding .
"You have been bested by a kid " Alk smirked at the boy on the ground . His voice sounded loud in the large arena . Alk looked around and observed the remaining demititans looked at him , some with awe , others with fear or anger . Alk didn't realise the rest of the arena was watching their fight , including the Titans . Then to his surprise the Titans started to applaud .
"Great job , winners !" Kronos said with a big smile on his face "All of you will get a place between the famed Finders !"
Alk stared with surprise at the cheering Titans .
I... I did it ... I DID IT ! Alk smiled widely as the realisation kicked in I will make you proud of me , mother..show you that I'm not useless ...

All around Alk the other demititans were smiling and cheering for their victory . All besides one girl who was frowing at him . Alk tried to ignore her and continue thinking about his victory but her continous frowing was making him uneasy .
Short time after , the group of winners were send home to pack their things and prepare for leaving for the Finders' base . Alk was walking out when a hand grabbed him by the arm and dragged him in the backstage . The one who grabbed him was the girl from earlier who frowed at him . She tighten her grip on his arm . It didn't hurt but Alk felt like he was trapped . He didn't like that .
"Listen here , kid " she said .
Not again.. Alk thought .
"I do not know who you are but back then at the arena when you fought with that guy... he was a child of Kronos himself , he was one of the best fighters who participated in the tournament ever . Rumours say that the Fates predicted he could win . I do not know how you actually won against him but..." she let go of Alk's arm "all I can say is great job !" the girl smiled at him " Want to be friends ?"
Alk looked at her then frowed She wants to be friends with me only because I'm powerful " No thank you " he said then started to walk to the exit "Not that I'm trying to be discourteous , but I just do not want any friends at all . We can still help eachother when needed but we will never be friends . I hope you understand " Alk walked through the exit .


He quickly forgot about what happened when he got infront of his home . Alk entered the house exited to tell his mother the news . As he was searching for his mother he observed a big hole in a wall and some blood on the floor . Alk quickly got concerned and ran to the blood . He followed a bloody trail untill it led him to his mother's chamber . His mother never let him enter the room for an unknown reason but this time he had to break the rule . He kicked the door open and ran inside .
The bloody dead body of his mother stood on the floor . It had a gross wound at her stomach and blood dripped from her head . The room was a disaster , the table upside down and jewlery on the floor .
Tears trickled down Alk's face as he stood next to his mother's dead body . Then he observed an unfamilliar dagger on the floor . It had dried blood on it .
Somebody broke into our house... Alk wipped his tears with his hand and looked at the dagger closely searching for a clue on who was its owner . He saw a symbol on the handle . It was a lightning bolt .
Alk frowed at the dagger with rage . He knew the symbol . Everyone knew it .
"The Resistence..." Alk mumbled .
He stood up holding the dagger thighly then threw it with all his force into a wall . The dagger got stuck into the marble .
Alk packed quickly all his things and ran to the door .
"I will hunt down each one of you ... I swear it on the River Styx..." then Alk ran out of the house . He ran for the Finders' base .

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