7 : The day off - Alk

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        Alk woke up . The sunlight was lighting the large and luxurious room heavily . He hung his crimson red cloak on his back . Two years had passed untill he first got into the Finders and he managed to get the general role . He went on every mission he could , every ocassion that appeared in front of him , he used them all to his advantange . Alk was the youngest general and the first one to get the role in such a short time . A lot of people were jealous of this achievement of his , but he did not care and ignored them . He hoped somewhere in the Underworld his mother could see him and be proud . Or he hoped Hyperion could observe him for once . Or both .
         As a general , he has a large room and  his own office at the last floor of the Finders' base . The office is spatious and highly decorated . Too decorated for Alk's taste but he can't really complain .
         Alk sat at the desk chair in the office .
In a minute or other a mission could appear , he knew . The generals did the most work in the Finders . The dark circles  under Alk's eyes and the lack of sleep he gets proved that point .
Don't worry Alk , tommorow it's your  day off , he thought . The generals only get one  day off when they are dismissed from any work . That is an advantange that only generals get . The only thing that could cancel their day off is an assault from the Resistence or a long planned attack to the Resistence's base . Luckly at the moment no attack was planned . Alk looked at the large window next to the desk out of boredoom .
         Alk's computer started to ring . He opened it to see an announcement . "Due to some issuses with our fellow  finder's base , everyone is dismissed untill the problems are solved .  -The Titans" he read .
Well , that must be important if the Titans themselves sent this , Alk closed the computer then stood up A bonus day  off never hurt anyone , he smiled as he walked out of the office .

          Alk was infront of his room's door when he heard heavy breathing from behind him . He turned to see Iro . She was probably searching for him .
Sometimes I forget she is a not a general like me , he thought .
Iro was now nineteen . Even if she is two years older than Alk , she was somehow shorter than him . The violet cloak hung on her back . She is a co-general .
"I.." Iro gasped for air " I've been searching for you "
"I can see that.." Alk said with a smile "What is it ?"
"Since we got the day off ... don't you want to leave the base and go do something fun ?" Iro said smiling .
"Define fun" Alk said raising an eyebrow .
"Drink some wine ... spying the Resistence base ... throw a party maybe ?" Iro suggested .
"No thank you . I am in no mood to see the bastards from the Resistence ... or walking drunk on the streets . I could rather sleep all day , I am too tired.." Alk said grabbing the doorknob .
"I forgot you generals get no sleep... but you at least get a day off every week . And I know yours is tommorow , so you can rest then" Iro said still smiling .
Alk sighed "Fine ... let me just get changed from the uniform . The last thing I want is the citizens bowing down at me everywhere I go"
"That is a great idea actually .. we will meet in twenty minutes infront of the base then . And if you will not show up I will find you and drag you out of the base .." Iro said .
"I do not doubt that" Alk said then entered his room .

         As Iro said , they both met after twenty minutes , infront of the base .
"Where to now ?" Alk asked .
"I know a place we could throw a party at , I already invited some friends of mine . And later this night we can go spy on the Resistence base" Iro said exited .
"Why could I care what they are doing ?" Alk said rolling his eyes .
"Oh come on ! You were the one who let one of them escape two years ago !" Iro acidentally yelled .
"Lower your voice ! What if anyone heard that ?" Alk said panicking .
"Oh , opps " Iro shrugged .
Alk sighed "Next time think before speaking "
"Sure" Iro started walking "Let's go to the place I talked about earlier"
"Alright.." Alk followed Iro .

        Alk and Iro were passing through the marble streets of Greece . They were walking in silence .
"You actually never told me why you let that Resistence demigod get away .." Iro suddenly said .
Alk looked at the ground "I do not remember.."
"Liar , you never forget anything" Iro said rolling her eyes .
Alk sighed . The truth is that he didn't know why . Maybe the look of true sorry in the girl's striking blue eyes ...or maybe he just did not want to throw anyone in that gloomy prison . If his past self saw him now .. he could think he has gone crazy cruel .
"I do not know..." Alk said deep in thought .
"Alright then.." Iro said "By the way , we got to the place I talked to you about" 
Alk looked at the place Iro pointed and saw a large marble pavillion with one long table right in the middle .
"So..?" Iro asked proudly .
"It's alright I guess.." Alk said .
"Then let's go !" Iro said exited then grabbed Alk's arm and dragged him to the pavillion .

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