20 : Fury - Phedora / Alk

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"Are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?" Charis asked as she ran to Phedora's side .
"N-no.." Phedora stared blank-faced at the end of the corridor .
      Charis took her by the shoulders and shook her "Come to your senses ! We have to fight !"
      Phedora blinked a few times "Oh..right . Lets go ." 

      They both ran into the base's coutryard . The Finders' army seemed to retreat with speed . All around them people celebrated with loud cheers .
"You two came late ." A voice behind them said . Both Phedora and Charis turned to see Sot standing at their back , a smirk on his face .
"Lets say we both got distracted by something.." Charis smiled awkwardly .
      Sot raised an eyebrow "And that something is..?"
"The fight was only a distraction for a general to sneak inside . We both bumped into him while getting out of the base , but before we could fight him he ran away ." Phedora forced a smile "What a coward , am I right ?"
      Sot chuckled "Yes , a coward . Guess the mighty general Alkaios is not as mighty as we thought ."
     Charis bursted out laughing .
     Phedora's smile dropped . The truth is that she was still thinking about what Alkaios had said . What do you mean you want to kill me but can't ? She snorted . Why could I care anyways about what that bastard said ?
"I can sense lots of frustration coming from you , Phedora ." Sot said with an innocent smile .
      Charis raised an eyebrow at her in question .
"It's nothing." Phedora smiled awkwardly .
"No , it's not . What is iiiit ?" Sot batted his eyelashes .
      Phedora observed Charis putting a hand to her mouth , trying to control her smile . She frowned at her friend then looked back at Sot "It's nothing , I swear ."
"Fine.." Sot shrugged .


       Alk forcefully hit a wall of his room . His rage numbed the pain . How can I be such an idiot ?


      Phedora looked at the three artifacts standing on her bed . So now what ? She frowned at them with confusion . I have three godly artifacts on my bed . And I need the soul of an olympian .. Phedora sighed Great .. She got up from her desk chair and walked to her dorm's door .


      Phedora found Charis in her dorm , as she knew she would at this hour . Her dorm was clean . No , her part of the dorm was clean . The rest was a mess . Guess her roomates are kind of messy .
      Sot was there too . Standing up . His fists clenched . Staring with fury at Charis . Were they arguing ?  Charis had her arms crossed and was frowning at Sot .
      Both demigods turn their heads at Phedora . They both seemed shocked . Phedora felt the embarassment hitting her . I guess this was not really the right time .
"I will return later then ." she smiled nervously and turned back to the door , her hand closing on the handle .
"No , stay !" she heard Sot's voice from behind her "This is about you too ."
      Phedora let go of the handle and turned her head to Charis and Sot with curiosity .
"I want to join you two in your quest ." Sot says . He then looks at Charis "But Char does not let me because , I quote "It's too dangerous" ."
"It is !" Charis snaps "Do you have a deathwish or something ?"
       Sot raises an eyebrow at her "Do you ? If it's so dangerous then why are you taking part in this ?"
       Charis sighs "Look , I do not want you to get hurt or die ."
"Well , I do not want you to get hurt or die either . So that is why I will go on the quest with you two to make sure none of it happens ." Sot glances at Phedora "To both of you ."
"Sot.." Charis frowned at him .
       Sot frowned at her too .
      Phedora stood frozen , glancing between the two . She does not know what to say .
"So what do you think , Phedora ?" Sot turned his head at her . He looked at Phedora with a pleading expression . 
       Charis turned her head to Phedora too . She raised an eyebrow at her in question .
       After some moments , Phedora finally unfroze and sighed "If he really wants to join us then let him . We need all the help necessary anyways ."
       Sot smirked with triumph at Charis . Charis sighed then uncrossed her arms . She admited defeat .
"But why don't you just tell the High Priest everything ?" Sot asked .
       Charis facepalmed "Because he will make a big fuss about it and everyone will find out , then the Finders will know who is the Chosen Demigod and hunt Phedora down ."
        Phedora nodded "We will tell him after we awake Athena . If the Finders will hunt me down , at least I could have a goddess by my side ."
"That's a good point ." Sot nodded slowly .


         Alk's knuckles were red , about to bleed . He did not care . He aimed for another punch when his room's door opened .
"I know you are probably upset because we fai- what are you doing ?!" Iro ran to him and grabbed him by the wrists .
        Alk stared at her blankly .
"I get that you are upset.. but why do this ?"
"You will never understand.." Alk mumbled with a cold frown . Never .
"I may not , but I know this will not help you with anything ." Iro shook her head .
"Do you think I do not know that ?" Alk looked away from Iro "I just let my emotions lead me again , like an idiot I am ."
       Iro raised an eyebrow "Again ? You are the most emotionless person I know ."
       Alk rolled his eyes "Wow , Iro." he said sarcastically .
"I did not mean it to sound that way .. but you have to admit that you really do not show much emotion ."
"I am a general ." Alk said , as if the word 'general' explained everything "If I show only one sign of weakness , the other generals will exclude me . And being the youngest general does not help much . And besides.." I am in love with one of the Resistence . Alk stopped himself "..nevermind." he tried to pull his hands out of Iro's grasp and failed . She had the same strong grip as the first time they met .
       Iro let go of Alk's wrists "Just.." she sighed "Just don't do that ever again . You won't be able to hold a sword or any weapon ."
"Fine , I promise I will not ." Alk snorted .

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