52 : Olympus

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     The goddess of wisdom was strolling through the ruins of Mt. Olympus . She could still remember after all these centuries how the mountain stood taller than everything , vaster than anything . She remembered the Palace of the Gods , the luxurious throne room inside , the golden halls , the beautiful buildings around the palace .
I will make sure to reconstruct it once I win the war . But an unsettling thought seemed to linger inside her brain ever since she got awakened from Tartarus . A thought the goddess could not help but think about . What if we do not win again ? We already lost the first time.. maybe there could be a chance to lose again ?
"You seem troubled . What is on your mind ?" spoke a voice besides Athena .
    The goddess quickly turned her head , gripping her spear tighter . To her surprise , it was Thanatos himself , standing with his signature scythe in hand , his dark wings flapping at his back and with a smile on his pale face .
    Athena's grip on her spear loosened "Greetings , Thanatos . But should you not be with the allience we have made ? Or in the Underworld ?"
"You already know that I like wandering around and besides , all those hopeless souls will not lose their sanity if I am not around one day ." Thanatos spoke as he slowly walked around the ruins "And not everyday you see someone wandering through these ruins ." 
"I have decided to set the allience's base here , at the ruins of Mt. Olympus ." Athena said .
     Thanatos stopped for a second , turning his head to Athena "Great ." he took a moment of silence "But does it not hurt you to see your home in shambles ?"
"It hurts me more to know that my grandfather rules over this land in such an impetious way ." Athena spoke , the spite in her voice being clear .
    The god of death looked at the goddess with a blank expression "You are afraid we would lose again , are you not ?"
    Athena stood silent .
"That is indeed quite understandable . But all you can do about it now is to hope . Hope that the Demigod of Prophecy will succeed with her plans . Hope that we will be strong enough to encounter the worst enemies in battle ."
"You are right . But I can not help but to worry . If we lose again then all of this work is for nothing . All the wait is for nothing ."
     Thanatos nodded slowly . He did not say anything else for a while . Then he searched through his dark robe and took out a piece of paper "I was actually summoned to send a letter to you from the allience , as I am the only person who will not get suspected ."
     Athena grabbed the letter from Thanatos' stretched hand . Slowly , the goddess unfolded the paper , showing a clean and beautiful writing .

     The end of the war is finally getting close . I have so many things that I would like to inform you about . But with all the fuss that is around the palace I could only write this letter .
     I want you to make sure that everything goes well . I want you to make sure everything goes as planned .
    Kronos seems to be getting more paranoid , not wanting to see anyone , not even inviting titans for one of his grandious parties . He spends his hours in his chamber , maybe strolling sometimes to his throne . He will not even let me talk to him nor anybody else . He seems to be planning something . Something that I can not name . But I am worried .
     I am not sure what Kronos wants to do , but we have to stay strong in the face of anything he is planning . I trust you to get the allience together and united .

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