35 : A short visit - Alk

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     Weeks had passed from the Resistence's attack . The Finders' base was never more silent . None of the two bases decided to lead another attack because , Alk supposed , both armies were still recovering . Though that did not stop the tons of letters from coming into the generals' offices . "Give them back !" , most said . Some even threatened the Finders with another attack on their base . But everyone knew that was not happening .
     All the generals were meeting almost daily to discuss the problem . As if Alk did not have enough work already . Now he had to sit in that forsaken meeting room for hours , listening to the eldest general ranting and knowing pretty well that no one in the room really had any ideas on what was going on .
    Those meetings also bit off lots of his free time , making Alk more and more tired as the days passed . And he observed the other generals weren't exactly rested either . The only days Alk actually had time to rest was on his day-offs .
     Alk was also worried . Worried of what happened to Phedora .
     His suspicions were correct . Phedora really is between those four demigods the Finders got accused of kidnapping . And he found that out by checking her room from time to time , on his least bussier days . It always looked the same as the last time he was there .
      Alk even checked the Finders captives' records , just to make sure they did not actually kidnap the four demigods . It could not be very likely because every general gets announced everytime they have a new captive . But it could not surprise Alk if some day they could just forget to tell him .

     Alk was sitting at his desk , in his office . He was resting his head on one of his hands while writting a report with the other . He could not really concentrate on what he was writing , given his collected exhaustment and the same question turning around his mind again and again . Where is she ?
     It is his day-off . But somehow he is late with the weekly reports so here he was .
     Alk forced himself to finally concentrate on writing the report faster . If I finish it faster then I will have more time for myself .


     Alk was walking along the dark obsidian corridors of the Finders' base . He was walking around the fifteenth floor , the co-generals' office . They all shared a gigantic room full of desks .
    Alk wanted to check up on Iro . He did not see his sister since the Resistence's attack .
    The general stood in front of the office's door , rethinking if he should just step in or knock on the door . Alk decided to just step inside .
    As he entered , Alk observed all the co-generals' eyes looking at him "Good after-noon , co-generals ." he said , giving a wave .
"Good after-noon , general Alkaios ." some responded  and Alk reconginzed Iro's voice between them .
     He turned his head to search for her and he saw her across the room , looking at him with a smile . Alk walked to her desk .
     The wound on her face has healed since the attack , leaving a long and white scar across the skin .
"Aw , you came to see what I'm doing ? I thought this day could never come ." Iro said , dramatically placing a hand on her heart .
     Alk rolled his eyes with a slight smile "Yeah yeah , I only came here because I knew you missed me ."
    Iro chuckled loudly "Why did you have to ruin the moment like that ."
"So how is the work going ?" Alk asked .
"Same as always but much more boring . Nothing has been happening these days . I swear , I could enjoy better another attack rather than stay like this for another week ." Iro sighed and fell back in her chair , folding her arms .
"I rather not witness or fight in an attack right now..." Alk spoke with a faint frown .
"Alk , you'll get weaker if you do not train or fight ." Iro said with a smirk .
"No , I won't . I'm just tired ."
"When were you ever not tired ?" Iro asked , laughing .
"Good point ." Alk laughed too "But I am not the only one ."
"Good point ." Iro smiled .

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