17 : The Second Meeting - Phedora / Alk

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       The flask of life stood on Phedora's desk . The liquid inside shone in the after-noon light as if it was pure sunlight . Phedora glanced at it , a hand on her chin .
Three of their most prized possesions ... their soul trapped in one of them ... but how can I get the soul ? , Phedora frowed Do I have to go to the Underworld ? And how do I get to the Underworld ? , she leaned back in her wooden desk chair sighing Why does this have to be so hard ?


"As everyone here knows , we gathered here today to discuss any existing inconvenients ." the eldest general said .
     Alk stood down on one of the chairs at the long table , his arms crossed . The other generals were looking at the eldest general who was stading up at the head of the table "We will start from the minor problems , that we will solve later on , to the urgent ones ." the elder continued "Stand up anyone who has to report any minor problems ."
      Surprisingly , only four generals stood up . Alk smiled faintly This will not take long I see .
"One table at the dining rooms was broken by some apprentices , as I heard from a finder , in a fight ." the first general said .
Some other generals smiled , probably trying not to laugh .
     The eldest general mumbled something to himself scowling . He then gestured for the next general to report their problem . They stood down .
Alk raised an eyebrow So they wanted to report the same problem .
      The eldest general sighed then gestured again for the next general to tell their problem .
      After the last two generals reported their problems , they sat back down .
"Now stand up anyone who has an urgent problem to report ." the eldest genetal said .
      Alk stood up quickly . He was the only one who was up besides the elder general . All the other generals who were down turned their heads to look at Alk , some with a suprised expression or with a brow raised in question .
"This morning a suspicious activity was observed by the morning patrol led by co-general Iro at Hecate's temple . Three figures could be observed from outside the temple and purple smoke was swirling everywhere . When the co-general entered the temple , two girls stood there . They said that they were just two of Hecate's priestesses who have done a complicated ritual . I suspect the two girls are some demigods of the Resistence . Hecate is the titaness of necromancy and was considered a goddess and we all know the Resistence's goal is to awake the gods . I am convinced they invoked Hecate because that could explain the third sillhouette inside the temple . Now the question is if Hecate accepted to help them . If she did , then we are a step behind the bastards of the Resistence ." Alk slammed his hands lightly on the table "I suggest an attack on the base this night , when they least expect it !"
     The whole room had gone silent , everyone still staring at Alk . The eldest general shook his head "We cannot just attack their base only because of a suspicion . And we also do not have enough time to prepare the army for an attack . I understand your worries , Alkaios , but this is not the right time for something like this ."
      Alk clenched his fists in anger . He wanted to protest but he knew it could not change anything . When the eldest general decides on something , he never turns back from it "Alright.." Alk stood back down on his chair . He frowed at the floor . He still felt the other generals stare at him .
"Now that all the problems have been listed , the meeting is done . We will see next week ." the eldest general said without emotion . All the generals stood up and left the large council room .
      Alk smirked slightly while walking through the corridors to his chamber .
If we will not attack the base , then I can at least infiltrate myself in it to see if I was right .


"At least let me go with you, Alk !" Iro said with frustration in her voice .
     Alk stood up , his arms crossed "This is a job that I need to do by myself . I want to prove that we were right to the other generals ."
And besides , I do not want you to know that I know one of the Resistence , Alk thought but did not say .
      Iro sighed "Fine . Just do not get yourself killed ."
      Alk smirked "I killed their best assassin once , I am pretty sure I will be alright ."

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