49 . Love is in the air ~~~

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A/n : Long update for my dear readers .

Muah muah 😘😘😘😘
( I am sending you all my precious flying kisses ...you all better catch it ........hmph ✊ )


After confessing their feelings to each other.... their happiness were all over the moon .

When they fell in love ? They both don't know the answer ...... Cause we ourselves would won't know when our heart starts beating for someone...

Before marriage they were unsure of their decision .... how this would go ? If even it could work ....

But for surely they know in their hearts that they care for eachother.... wanting to give their other half all the happiness in the world .

After getting bounded together due to marriage......they got united .... started knowing each other better.....their likes , dislikes . Started caring for eachother .

Then they came to a stage where they realise that they like eachother . Tae getting possessive when some bastards flirted with his wife .

And now they finally realised that they are too deep into it ....

They love eachother .

AHH !!!! This still seams a dream to them.....a beautiful dream they don't wanna wake up from .

Cliché ...I know but once you really fell in love ...you would get to know that it's the best feeling one could ever feel .

Knowing tae and kook are each other's first love just added more to their happiness .

Getting up from the ground ....tae helped Kookie to get up..... guiding his wife towards the chair to sit .

Tae filled a glass of water from the jug ...before helping kook to drink it...as Kookie was still hiccuping due to crying earlier .

" Here drink this kookie" Tae uttered softly...to which jungkook nodded ... wiping the tears with the back of his hands ....kook drank the water carefully .

Keeping the glass aside ....tae got down on his knees infront of his wife .... getting the curchief from his pant pocket.....tas gently wiped the tears of kook who was looking so cute with his
wide bamby teary eyes....red nose....lips formed in a pout .

That tae had too control himself to not
smile at the endearing site .

" Hey ! I didn't planned all this for you to cry at the end....please don't cry Kookie " tae's voice was sounding offended at the first.....but at last he pleaded cause his heart was breaking seeing the tears in those bambi eyes .

Kookie bobbed his head up and down ... agreeing to tae's request he stopped crying.... Instead smiled his bunny smile which made his hubby to smile back .

" Well to make your mood better ....your husband has another surprise for you bun " Tae smiled cheekily winking at his wife who started blushing at the wink thrown his way .


Wait ...wait tae gave me another nickname....aish I should stop blushing or I would become a live tomato here ....why tae has to tease and call me with these nickname ..

He is a big meanie .

Jungkook thought ...while nodding his boba head again agreeing to his internal thoughts .

" Hey ...what happened ?" Tae waved his palm infront of kook who zoned out after hearing tae's words .

" Uhh ... nothing... where's the suprise you were saying ?" Kook immediately changed the topic...not wanting his hubby to know that how those nick names and flirtiness was effecting him .

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