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A/N: This contains sex, language, blood, and torture.

Black shadows have painted the dark streets of Event City.

The soft winds blowing, the dim lights of the street lights shining as bright as they could, and the sounds of crickets filling the silence.

That is until Knuckles screaming and running away while holding Sonics hand.

The two rushed to the left direction of a building while a cloaked figured followed them.

Floating after them actually.

Sonic demanded angrily, "Knuckles what the hell is going on?!"

Knuckles replied as they two continued running from who was following them, "How the hell should I know? I'm being framed for something I didn't do here!"


Knuckles replied in a panic while Sonic tried to pull away from him, "Sonic for the 50'th time it wasn't me!!"

Sonic then said with a hateful tone, "I DON'T TRUST YOU NOR BELIEVE YOU!!"

Knuckles groaned and thought, "Why did I have a feeling he was goin to say that?"

The two didn't stopped running before seeing Shadows car and made a dash to it.

Knuckles then yelled, "COME ON WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

Sonic shouted at him, "SAYS SOMEONE WHO IS KIDNAPPING ME!!"

Knuckles thought as he looked down, "If only he can see this isn't what it looks like."

Though that's when Sonic managed to get Knuckles to let go of him but he tripped and hit his head to a nearby brick wall 'to the point of unconsciousness.

Knuckles rushed to him before he kneeled and shook him while he said, "Sonic wake up!"

He sees the figure coming towards them before Knuckles 'in a panic' picked up the blue hedgehog 'bridal style' and rushed to Shadows car.

That's when time froze as when Knuckles rushed to the car with Sonic in his arms.

Knuckles pov

Okay, you are all probably wondering;

What the hell is going on?!

Why are you and Sonic running from some grim reaper like dude?

Why the hell is Sonic acting so mad towards you?!

And why did he say your kidnapping him?!

The truth is; I wasn't kidnapping him. I was saving him.

As you saw me and Sonic were running for our lives. Things were grim even for me. But let me explain from the beginning. Cause things are not very great right now.

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