Ch. 22

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Knuckles pov

As much as I know, things are not gonna be great for me.

Manic is extremely pissed at me. Knowing him, he is stubbornly protective when it comes to both siblings.

Especially Sonic 'who is still struggling in my grasp'.

I said to him, "I cannot do that Manic. I don't know what you think you saw but I...OUCH!!"

I didn't get to finished my sentence because I got bit in the hand.

I turned to see Sonic biting me to the point of letting him go.

Once Sonic was free from my grasp, he ran about 18 feet from me.

Manic turns to him and said, "Sonic run! I'll handle this from here."

Sonic reluctantly obeyed him. Leaving me with 'him'.

Manic said to me as I had to stood ready to fight, "I figure this day would come. I began to think I was tolerant towards you Knuckles. If there was no line you cross, I would let it slide."

He then said in a pissed off tone, "But on that day you didn't just cross the line, you smeared Sonics blood on it!"

I protested, "Look Manic whatever you saw wasn't me. I swear, I may have yelled at him for saving me late but I didn't hurt him physically. You haft to believe me, I didn't hurt anyone let alone Sonic."

Manic replied, "A likely story. But I know what I saw. Sonic trusted you. I trusted you. Even Tails trusted you! But you betrayed us by hurting him. Trying to kill him."

I knew Manic gets angry when I failed to protect Sonic but I didn't think he be this angry 'thinking I try to kill him'.

Next think I know, I'm finding myself fighting Manic one on one.

Though unlike Sonic, he uses his attacks me aggressively than I can.

It was brutal, I was getting my ass kicked by this former thief now psycho for the sake of his siblings.

My mouth was bleeding as Manic threw me to the wall.

Desperate, I threw Manic onto the wall nearby. Rendering him unconscious.

I was relieved, though Manic would instantly kill me for what happened.

I said to myself, "Forgive me Manic but I haft to do this. I'm sorry."

I ran looking for Sonic. I failed to see he was hiding behind the wall trying to escape from me and ran towards Manic.

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