Ch. 30

23 2 0

Sonics pov

I was in a black hood with maroon patches, maroon shorts, and shoes with matching socks.

I swear I'm dressed like some sort of emo soccer player.

Knuckles in the other hand was dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants.

He had to wear black boots instead of his regular shoes.

He and I had our hoods on, as well as Shadow, Silver, and Mephiles did.

We were at the roughest side of the city trying to find Scourge and Fleetway.

If I known them, they're at that sleezy hotel doing who the fuck knows what.

They change hotel rooms to different sleezy hotels every two weeks.

I have instincts that tell me otherwise. But with the wolf guards and everyone hunting for Knuckles it's difficult to clear Knuckles name when we go out in public as ourselves.

Though given the circumstances, we need to find the real culprit in disguise.

Me and Knuckles were walking around the roughest part of town after leaving Silver and Mephiles went to look around and Shadow 'waiting for us in his car'.

I had to stay with Knuckles. I felt a little bad for not listening to him. For some reason I felt like I wanna stay by him a little more.

We saw two policemen coming toward us. I panicked as Knuckles was undoubtedly alarmed himself.

He then pinned me to an alley way brick wall and suddenly kissed me right on the lips.

He then wrapped his arms around me as I placed my palms on his chest.

I can feel my heart was pounding and my face was strangely heating up.

The two cops walked passed up as one of them said, "Geez. Even a couple of edgy emo's can fall in love."

The second one then said as we were out of their sight, "We are here on a manhunt not comment on a couple of gay guys."

Knuckles broke the kiss as I was a little bit surprised and dumbstruck.

He then laughed in embarrassment and said, "Hehe, sorry buddy. I didn't know what came over me."

I can see the red on his peach colored muzzle. He was like shy and embarrassed.

I then said to Knuckles 'feeling a little shy myself', "Uhhh... Sure thing. Look, let's go."

He lets go of me and we went to the sleezy hotel Scourge and Fleetway have checked in at.

It wasn't far from us so we rushed to it. Knuckles and I also saw Metal-Sonic and Metal-Knuckles at another alley way while we rushed to the hotel.

I was shocked a little. Metal-Knuckles was having robot sex with Metal-Sonic 'who was sitting on a dumpster' while kissing.

Knuckles had an awkward moment as we snook passed them.

Luckily they were too busy having fun to notice us. We entered the hotel and we had info hearing about 5 or 6 guests whining about them making noise in Room 18.

Guess that's why they keep moving hotels every 2 weeks.

With no time to loose me and Knuckles went to Room 18 as we stayed close.

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