Ch. 1

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knuckles pov

It started out when I was kidnapped by a group of cults members that Eggman created. It was just torture for me.

Though I kept fighting my way through. It was brutal and awful. Though it got to the point. where they taped my hands and feet together and beat me brutally.

I kept getting beaten every single day and my so-called best friend didn't even hear about it. It is all his fault.

My blood boiled at the mere thought of that selfish bitch of a friend. yes, Sonic the Hedgehog.

He was spineless, cocky, not to mention thoughtless. Some hero he turned out to be. Shadow 'my old flame' was able to get Sonic just so he could rescue me.

Eggman had sent a message to him more than once. But Sonic, he does not trust Eggman. Not even once. He could not even trust him or forgive him for what he has done.

Took him until Shadow told him I was in trouble. What an idiot he is?

I... I was tortured by a few of those cult members while I was tied down and on a pentagram.

Candles and the members surrounded me as I can feel the steel blade cutting on my skin. So much pain was inflicted on me for sure.

It was so unbearable. When my life was about to end, 'he' showed up. Sonic used his power to defeat those cults and was able to save me.

Slow ass punk. Fastest thing alive but a real dumbass.

Sonic managed to get me free and picked me up and rushed out the door.

Though despite Sonic finally saving my ass, I still blame him for not saving me in time. He shoulda believed Eggman in the first place.

Least he, Rouge, and Shadow care about me. Stupid Sonic.

I later, was in bandages, sitting in a room alone. That is when Sonic walked in with a nervous expression.

He let out a nervous laugh and made some dumb joke like he always does but I know damn well, it will not end well.

But I didn' think things were going to get bad from there.

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