Ch. 3

52 3 7

Knuckles pov

I ran and ran through the heavy rain while hearing the thunder roaring and the lighting flash. it was like life had flashed before my eyes.

I have been feeling nothing but pain, not just in my body but in my soul too.

My goddamn pain was like someone was stabbing me slowly, the bandages were not loose, but I kept on and on seeing Sonics form in front of me.

Fueled with rage I attacked him, I punched him in the face, bit him, kicked his stomach, and hell even slapped him.

Every single damn attack I do, it is just driving me insane. Hell as if he was mocking me, I screamed in my knees and also cried, "I HATE YOU SONIC!!"

I heavily breathed as the rain poured down my body.

That is when he heard a familiar voice that said, "Knuckles..."

He recognized Shadows voice as he turned around.

Knuckles sniffed and said, "Shadow... I hate him so much."

Shadow looks down before holding him in his arms and thought to himself, "Stupid faker, taking too long, if it weren't for me. Knuckles would be dead because of you."

Shadow then teleported to his home with me in his arms.

Once we arrived at Shadows place, Shadow placed me in a guest room on a plain bed.

I was thankful he found me.

But I cannot be thankful for Sonic rescuing me too late.

I then laid down and covered my face as I said in hurt and frustration, "Stupid Sonic!"

I then said something that I regret later on, "I hate you; I wish you suffer a really painful torture than mine."

I cried myself to sleep that night. The rain was like an eerie lullaby. But I did not think for a moment I would get my wish.

Not even once have I thought about it.

As I close my eyes, I coulda sworn I heard Sonics blood curdling scream.

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