Ch. 8

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Sonics pov

Knuckles simply said, "Oh shit."

He looked at me before he slapped me again and said angrily, "You got lucky this time, but I'll be back to finish the job."

He then ran off, leaving me to die. The rain calmed down for now but blood was dripping out of my body as blood dripped from my mouth.

I heard footsteps coming my direction before they stopped. I hear a gasp in horror.

I felt the nails getting yanked out of me before I screamed and fell on my knees. I felt my hands getting freed but I screamed in fear as I felt someone grabbing me.

But I calmed down as I heard a familiar voice saying, "Sonic! calm down its me!"

I then calm down as I recognized it. It was his voice. My brothers voice.

He removed the blindfold from my eye as I looked at him with horror and sorrrow.

manic was horrified at my injured body as I said weakly, "B-Big bro..." I whimpered as Manic held me close.

Manic cradled me in his arms as he said 'panicking that my life is hanging by a thread now', "S-save your strength Sonic. I-I'll get you help."

He stood up with me in his arms. I was shaking violently from the cold as he ran to Boomers house.

Manics pov

I was taking a stroll in the woods in the rain. Boomers house was nearby so I had to take a littlwe walk. That was when I heard screaming. I followed the screaming. Thinking someone was in trouble and I was right.

I saw Knuckles doing some sort of brutal attack on someone. I shouted at him, "DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?"

he stopped and looked at me. I ran toward him but before I could get an explanation, I lost him.

Then what I saw was pure horror. It was my younger twin 'Sonic'. He was hurt real badly.

With no time to waste I freed him. he was scared at first but I assure him it was me. It calmed him down.

I removed the blindfold, seeing Sonics frightened and sad look. His left eye was removed.

He said weakly, "B-Big bro..." he started to whimper as I held him close.

I cradled him in my arms as I said, "S-save your strength Sonic. I-I'll get you help." I was in a panic. His life was hanging by a thread in his condtion.

I stood up with Sonic in my arms. I ran to Boomer's house. Luckily it was close.

I ran inside Boomer's house as I screamed, "BOOMER!! SHAWN HELP!!"

Shawn came in and said with a dull expression as Boomer and Tails 'who was visiting Boomer' followed, 'Now what manic did you...?"

He trailed off before he shouted immediately in shock, "...OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!"

He was horrified at Sonics bloody body as Tails said while rushing to him, "Sonic!"

Boomer then asked in an alarmed tone as he followed, "What the hell happened to him?!"

The two rushed as Tails was horrified as I am.

Sonics pov

I was feeling weak. I kept trying to stay awake despite my awful condition, I see Boomers, Tails, and Manic's frightened, alarmed, and panicked looks on their faces. 

Boomer shouted, "TAILS LETS GET HIM TO THE LAB IMMEDIATELY!!" Tails agreed as I was carried off to Boomer's lab. Shawn then looked at me in a panic and said as I was blacking out, "Hang in there kid. Hang in there."

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