Ch. 4

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Knuckles POV

It had been an entire month or maybe two months since it happened.

I haven't heard from my sorry excuse of a friend. Not once. It is just dumb. I'm in pain and I'm thinking of that moron.

I kind of thought about it. I did not care at first.

Half of me still wanted me to punch him to death. but the other half wanted to settle things with him.

I thought to myself while looking at the ceiling, "Why do I care? He deserved it for showing his ass late. Then again, he did save my life. While I was going to die. But I shoulda been a little more grateful towards him."

I then said while looking at the window with a stressed look on my face, "Manic has probably heard about how I treated Sonic by now. Merciless lunatic."

That was when Shadow came in to check on me.

With a stern but concerned expression, he asked, "How are you feeling Knuckles?"

I then replied as I look down, "Ehh I'm fine. But I'll be out of here by next week."

Shadow then sat on my bed and replied, "Look, I am mad at the faker as much as you are. But it will be okay. The faker is probably laughing it off right now."

I said nothing. Yeah Sonic is probably laughing at it as if it was nothing. But unfortunately for me.

It was actually the opposite. I couldn't help recalling the blood curdling scream of his. It didn't sound like he was joking.

He probably fell in the water and drowned. I can't help but wonder if he is okay.

I then stop and reminded myself that he did this to himself.

When Shadow was about to leave but I grabbed him by the hands and said, "Wait Shadow, I-I need you to... to kiss me one more time before you move on."

Shadow hesitated before he gets closer to him before he kissed me while I kissed him back.

I was in tears as Shadow broke the kiss.

He wiped my tears away and said, "Time for me to move on Knuckles. My boyfriends are waiting."

I replied, "Thanks for the hospitality, Shadow."

Shadow replied as he walks off, "No problem, Knuckles."

He closed the door as I sighed deeply. Maybe by next week I'll talk to Sonic. If he doesn't laugh at me and be so cocky.

Something tells me it will be a bad talk between us.

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