Ch. 15

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Mephiles pov

We walked around the woods for a little bit after what felt like 8 hours, we found it.

I recognized it from the news. When Sonic was admitted to the hospital, the police found the scene of the crime and the press got a load of it at the same moment the news came on.

I was at my apartment watching some romance drama series when the news came on.

No doubt, when we came to the tree Sonic was tortured on I said, "That's the one. No doubt about it."

Knuckles asked me, "What makes you think it is?"

I answered him immediately, "It's the same tree on the news. Plus it's got Sonic blood on it."

He looked at the tree and I saw his eyes widened at the dry blood on the tree. Also two holes.

I then explained to Knuckles, "From what I heard from the news, it explains Sonics torment. His hands were tied above his head while two nails were brutally through his palms. You can see two holes where they held Sonics palms in."

Knuckles looks at them and it was horrifying. The holes even had his blood on it.

Knuckles looked down and touched the tree as he sniffed. He then said, "Who or what could hurt him like that? I seen those healed scars on his body."

I then asked, "He did say you did it. You don't have an evil twin brother that happen looked like you, do you?"

Knuckles answered me immediately, "No Mephiles. I'm an only child. Which is weird, how could there be two of me? And more importantly if it was me then why the hell would I do that to Sonic?!"

I then answered him, "Calm down Knuckles, what do you think I am a doctor? I have seen his injuries but he was a bloody mess when I saw him."

My dear Shadow then said, "Babe. You are right about that. But what made him think Knuckles did it. It coulda been anyone. Maybe Eggman made an imposter to make it look like him."

I then said, "Shadow Baby, I doubt it. He has an alibi, even his glitchy-looking daughter can verify for him. And those two robots."

Knuckles 'all of a sudden' heard footsteps before he said, "Shit. Someone's coming."

Shadow and I had to hide in a bush and drag Knuckles in.

We peeked to see the two techwizes there.

Tails asked Boomer, "Do you see the camera?"

Boomer then said as he shook his head, "Not really. That camera could possibly prove that Knuckkes really did hurt Sonic."

Tails then said to him, "Yeah, I coulda sworn I dropped my waterproof video camera here when I was on my way to your place."

My mind clicked, a video camera. That is when I saw the camera on the ground where I am.

I looked at Shadow before I nodded.

We then teleported with Knuckles and the camera before the two noticed.

Boomers pov

We haven't found that waterproof video camera. We know darn well that when Tails was on the way to my place, he dropped his camera here. A waterproof video camera to be exact.

Still it wouldn't be around here had it not disappeared. The police haven't found it while searching the area.

But they have the torture devices Knuckles used in poor Sonic.

Including that bloody chain use to whip him. Honestly that would hurt him badly.

We had to leave after no luck of finding it. I asked Tails if Knuckles really took it

Unless Knuckles took it to prevent himself from going to jail. Both me and Tails had a theory that Knuckles took it. We walked off while having no luck finding that waterproof camera.

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