Ch. 32

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Once the 3 get checked into an apartment for the night, they were settled in though no one suspects a things.

Miraculously no one noticed Sonic or Knuckles in their hoodies.

Shadow kept trying and trying to call Silver and Mephiles but they went to voicemails.

Knuckles pov

Me and Sonic were sitting alone in the living room of this apartment.

It was one of those typical hotels that you stay in for tonight.

Miraculously, nobody noticed us.

He and I were having an awkward moment between us. During this, I sort of, placed my hand on his as my heart skipped a beat.

Shadow in the other hand was trying to contact Silver and Mephiles but no luck in the other room.

Sonic and I won't stop looking at each other due to what happened.

That kiss I... sort of did. It made me realize something, I-I actually like Sonic.

I was falling for him. Sonic was going to check if I was okay. But that was when I grabbed him and kissed him on the lips again.

Sonic was surprised before I broke the kiss. I looked away while he was still in my arms.

That was when I said to him while looking away in a blush, "Uhhh, look blue. I-I know this is serious and all that crap. But I...I like you. I mean I love you Sonic."

Sonic was surprised at this before I knew it, Sonic had me face him again.

Sonic looks down and replied, "I-I love you too. I just don't show it due to my 'cocky' nature."

That was when we kissed once again. This time more passionately.

My heart melted when we kissed. It was like the sun melting some ice cubes on a hot summer day.

We started making out on the couch 'while we were in each others arms'.

I laid Sonic on the couch as we continued to make out. Sonic and I broke the kiss as soon as we were laying down on the couch.

It was big enough for the two of us to lid down next to each other.

I pulled Sonic into my arms as I whispered, "Yer a good kisser Sonic. Ya know if it weren't for this crap, I would ask you out on a date."

Sonic replied to me, "Yeah but we may want to wait until your name is cleared Knux."

He is right about that. We'll date after we clear my name. Though Shadow isn't going to he happy when we see what this imposter is doing next.

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