Ch. 29

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Knuckles pov

It was sort of cloudy when I woke up. No doubt it was morning.

Not only that I woke up in my guest room, but I woke up with Sonic in my arms.

I remember just after Silver went back to his room, Sonic started crying again, I pulled him close to me.

I held him tight, one minute we were in the couch, the next thing I know we are in the guest room.

I sat up without waking Sonic up. He was laying on my chest as I wrapped an arm around him.

Geez, what was more fucked up, my past heart breaks, my torment before Sonic saved me, him getting hurt and I didn't save him from this imposter wearing my face, or the fact that I'm, being framed for a crime I didn't commit.

I looked out the window, either it was going to rain again or it will clear.

My only question is; what the hell should I do to clear my name?

That was when I heard a groan. I looked over to see Sonic was waking up.

His eyes were half opened but I couldn't tell if he was actually awake completely.

Knowing him, he normally takes naps in the afternoon often. ...Or at least sleeps in.

Sonic 'half awake' said to me softly, "Oh, morning Knux."

I greeted back as I looked away in guilt, "Morning Sonic."

I can tell he knows I felt so bad for what happened.

He nuzzled me on the chest and he said just simply and softly, "I'm sorry..."

I replied to him as I pet his blue head, "Sonic I told you already I'm the one who should be sorry. I lashed out at you and..."

I trailed off while I see a little bit of the cover sliding off Sonics back.

Looking at the scars just wants to drive me to tears of shame.

I sighed deeply while Sonic was in my arms. I only wish I could go back and correct that day. Had I known Sonic was in danger then none of this wouldn't happen.

Though looking at Sonic 'who was too oblivious to know what's going on right now'.

That was when the door swung opened instantly and I pulled Sonic close as he hid his face on my chest.

It was Silver 'with a shocked expression'. He said something as he looked away, "Oh. Sorry to interrupt."

I was confused for a second before I asked 'seriously', "What is it now Silver? If you're looking for the massager it's in Mephiles room."

Silver looks down with his eyes and said, "Uhh... Knuckles? We have bigger problems."

I raised a brow but I know something was not right before I asked as Sonic at him, "What's going on now?"

Silver looked down and replied, "You two should watch this."

I had a bad feeling about this. When we got to the living room we saw Shadow and Mephiles watching the news.

No doubt it involve me kidnapping Sonic. Rouge has been telling the news reporter that I took Sonic hostage.

Damn her. She not only did it but she's doing this for attention. I can tell Manic is in the background punching the wall in fury. He is so ready to punch a hole in my head.

Mephiles then said as he and Shadow turns to us, "This is getting worst."

Silver make a suggestion, "Maybe Sonic can make a statement just after Knuckles returns him unharmed. It can be proof that he didn't do it."

Sonic then replied, "Silver even I told them he's innocent, they'll only think he forced me to say it. It would be a false statement even if Knuckles returns me unharmed. They'll still arrest him and will now charge him with kidnapping."

Shadow turns to Silver along with Mephiles and said, "He has a point babe. Even if he tries convincing them to drop the charges it won't be enough."

I then said to Silver, "The situation is worst enough. Manic is absolutely ready to punch a hole in the back of my head right now."

Silver groaned and said, "You're absolutely right and it will be a matter of time until the cops find you both here."

Mephiles asked Shadow, "What should we baby?"

Shadow then suggested, "I say we hide in the shadows. We will haft to make sure we stay out of the cops sight. We also need to see a certain king of criminals."

Shadow was suggesting seeing Scourge and Fleetway. Me and Sonic looked at each other before we head to Shadows car and left.

Though Sonic and I haft to be in hoods in order to avoid attention.

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