Ch. 14

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Knuckles pov

I feel so uncomfortable due to the fact that I'm now a wanted attempted murderer.

Shadow, Mephiles, and Silver believe me. After Shadow explained everything, they went to the guest room I stayed in.

It also confirmed it more that I didn't do anything to hurt Sonic.

Silver checked to see if there were blood stains on my gloves but there was none. Not even a drop.

No signs of me sneaking out too. I mean I haft to be honest, I kind of at fault here.

But then I remembered that night. When I fell asleep I thought...

No I heard Sonic screaming. My heart sank knowing that Sonic was really in trouble that night and I wasn't there to help him.

Then I remembered what I thought. I wished for him to suffer.

I fell on my knees. I thought to myself that I did this. I got my wish.

Sonic had suffered but I wasn't there to help him.

Oh my god, Sonic...

I felt so bad before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Shadow and Mephiles.

Shadow said to me, "Listen, you can't beat yourself up. It wasn't your fault."

I asked in tears, "But what if it was? That night I actually heard Sonic scream and I wasn't there to help him."

Silver 'on the couch' replied, "In case you forgot, he thought you hurt him. He thought you tried to kill him. He thought you..."

Mephiles said to him 'interrupting his sentence', "We get it Sil. But it wasn't even him. This makes no sense."

Shadow replied to him, "Agree. He didnt move a muscle, there was no signs of opening a window. He didn't have any blood on his gloves. Let alone Sonics."

Then Mephiles suggested after a silent moment or two, "We should take a look at the scene of the crime."

I then said to him, "That's a good idea but where? I don't even know where he was tormented."

Mephiles turns to me and replied, "I do. The crime scene was on the news. In fact this whole thing about you attempting to murder Sonic was on all over the news."

I stood up from the ground and said, "Then show me."

Shadow then said, "I'm coming with...."

Silver 'who was falling asleep' said, "You guys go on, I'll stay here in case you three come back."

We shook our heads with disapproval. Me, Shadow, and Mephiles teleported to where I was found that night.

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