Ch. 6

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A/N: In case anyone did not know why Grey-Sky attacked and Sonic was frighted of Knuckles. For the sake of an explanation. We turn to Sonics point of view and what happened.

Sonics pov

I felt so awful for Knuckles. Yes, Egghead had been contacting me more than once about Knuckles. But I thought he was saying that to trap me. But then Shadow told me what happened.

I never seen him this mad when he blamed me. I never seen him this pissed at me.

Sure I joke around and all but I do care about my friends. I guess I really fucked up.

But when he ran out into the storm, I went out after him. He was so upset at me, I didn't blame hm for being mad at me.

But due to this heavy rain I lost him. That is when I used my speed to find him. But I started to get lost. But I can faintly make out Knuckles voice. It said, "I HATE YOU SONIC!!"

My heart sank 'hearing those words'. I speed more and more before bumping into Knuckles.

I took a few steps back before I can say anything to him, he pushed me to a nearby tree as he said, "Watch where you're going, bitch!"

It was real painful the way he pushed me. I try to stand up before I said, "Knux... Please stop... W-We're friends remember?"

But something made me paralyzed, Knuckles had an unsettlingly evil look on his face. He looked like he snapped.

He then said with an unsettlingly upset and crazed tone, "You naive and spoiled little prince, did you actually think I would be friends with the likes of you? You make me sick."

I was shocked by this before I said, "What? I-I don't understand. What are you saying Knuckles? e are friends..."

Knuckles replied to me while he growled, "We were never friends you brat. I mean really. You're absolutely nothing."

I was in shock that he said such a thing before I said while shaking, "Knuckles, Why are you saying this? Is it because I...?"

Knuckles then slapped me 'causing me to be quiet' as he shouted, "Shut up already!"

I felt my face while I looked at Knuckles in sadness and fear. I did not think he would be this mad.

I then said as Knuckles glared at me, "Knux, I-I-I... Why?"

I was getting scared. Tears were threatening to poor down my face. 

Without warning, Knuckles grabbed my wrists aggressively before he said with a sickening grin, "Now time to teach you a real painful lesson. I'm going to make you even more afraid of me."

I did not like where this is going.

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