Ch. 19

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Knuckles Pov

It had been several days since that day. But, I just can't do it. We have been trying to find clues to my innocence or who really attacked Sonic.

But not one clue was found. All of the evidence points to me being an attempted murderer.

That night things were just crazy. I can't keep quiet any longer.

I still have a posse, royal guards, cops, FBI agents, wolf-guards, and a psycho Ex-thief after me.

If I haft to stay quiet and go out in public in disguise again without getting a clue, I am going to go insane.

I said to myself, "What the hell am I going to do?! Manic and Tails will ring my neck and sent me to my grave before I have a trial or go to jail. This is fucked up!! What should I do?!"

I keep thinking and thinking for a few minutes, until I had an idea.

I haft to prove to him I am innocent. In order to do that, I haft to take Sonic. Whether or not he is willing. This is going to feel like I'm gonna kidnap him.

I stood up and took a deep breath.

I then put on a black shirt, jacket with a hood, and pants.

I didn't want to do this to Sonic, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

He's probably still scared of me

Though Manic and Tails are going to have my head for this. I don't know what to do.

Though I wasn't expecting Silver and his two boyfriends to follow me when I snook out the window.

I put on the hood I had on. Luckily there was no one around to see me.

Though to be honest, these are Shadows clothes. He is probably going to flip.

I wondered around down the empty streets as I looked around.

Though I haft to avoid patrol cars and dodge royal guards and wolf guards.

There I arrived at Sonics house. Luckily, Tails is asleep and Sonic is possibly asleep.

He's probably deeply asleep. I haft to do this. If Sonic has to know the truth I haft to do this.

But before I could go upstairs by climbing to the second floor to Sonics room, I was stopped by Shadow and Mephiles as Silver asked quietly, "What the fuck are you doing Knuckles?!"

I answered him as I turns to them, "I haft to take Sonic. If I haft to prove to him my innocence I haft to do this."

Mephiles protested, "Are you out of your mind?! That's kidnapping! That green sociopath would crush your head with his foot."

Shadow replied, "Mephiles is right, the first faker would kill you."

Knuckles replied to him, "That is a risk I'm willing to take. But I haft to take Sonic without waking the beast."

I shook off both Mephiles and Shadow before I climbed to the window and whispered as I look at Sonics sleeping silhouette on his bed, "I'm sorry Sonic. But I have no choice."

I gently and quietly opened the window and then, I snook in his room and tiptoed towards him.

It was so dark that I can't let him know I'm here least until he sees me.

Just when I was about to uncover the covers, I had to be quiet.

But when I remove the covers I was shocked.

It was just a bunch of pillows. I was in shock but that was when I got ambushed.

I then got handcuffed behind my back. Tails then appeared in front of me as he said, "I don't think so."

Then, Manics voice said angrily, "We knew you try to pull this, so me and Tails, made sure we don't try anything. We've been doing this for days."

I asked in anger as Tails called the police, "Where is Sonic?"

Manic and Tails answers me, "We are not going to tell you!!"

I shoulda known I was going to fall for their little trap.

Though I kinda owe Silver, Mephiles, and Shadow an 'apology'.

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