Ch. 21

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Knuckles pov

I was in the police station in my cell awaiting trial for an attempted murder I didn't commit. It was about a week or two since I got caught.

One look at me and Sonic just shakes and walks off with no words said.

I woulda been able to talk to him as a best friend but now, I'm nothing but a monster that he is more afraid of.

Why couldn't he just listen?

It was night time.

My trial starts tomorrow. I don't know what this imposter wants and it's getting it, because with Manic as a witness and Sonics statement as a survivor of my suppose crime and evidence pointed at me, I'll be found guilty for sure.

Though I cannot stay here and await my fate. I got to get out and show Sonic that it wasn't me 'who attacked me'.

About an hour later, a cop showed up to my cell.

He stared at me and said, "Tomorrow's the big day for you criminal."

I said to him, "I didn't do it!"

The cop walked off and said, "Huh! That's what they all say."

I knew he wouldn't listen. Luckily, I snitched his keys when he wasn't looking.

Guess I did pick up a trick or two from Rouge.

I was able to unlock the cell and escaped without being seen.

In a darkened hallway I heard Sonics voice. He must be here to sign the witness statement.

I heard his voice said, "Okay Dad, I'll be back shortly."

I hid in the shadows and saw him walking into the direction I was in.

No doubt Manic is behind him. I thought to myself as Sonic was going to pass me, "Sorry Sonic. But I haft to clear my name."

That was when I seized the moment and grabbed Sonic by the arm.

I had to cover his mouth with my left hand so he can't scream.

Though I remembered one thing. Manic was right behind me.

Pissed off, he demanded, "LET HIM GO KNUCKLES!!"

I was not going to let this imposter win. I can tell he is getting impatient.

Knowing Manic, he would rip my head off. Sonic kept struggling to get out of my grasp and trying to scream.

I whispered to him, "No harms going to come to you, I promise."

I can tell Sonic isn't believing me. And I made him panic worst.

Manic growled before he walked towards me.

I walked back as I said, "Sorry Manic but I haft to clear my name but I promise no harms going to come to your brother."

I ran off with Sonic still in my grasp. Though I didn't think this through when Manic shouted for his parents.

Manics pov

I had to accompany Sonic to the restroom in case something else happens. Me and the family were here to sign the paperwork to put Knuckles behind bars for what he did to my little brother.

I didn't count on him escaping and kidnapping him in front of me.

I demanded him to released him. But he didn't. I swear, to think I trusted him with my brother.


My Dad shouted, "WHAT!? NO!!"

My Mom cried out, "MY BABY!!"

Uncle Chuck simply said, "DAMN IT!"

He was pulling out a gun, alarmingly I said as I got in front of him, "Uncle Chuck no. You can't do that."

My Dad also said, "Manics right. You can't do that big brother! What if you end up hitting my son."

I couldn't just sit back so I ran after them. It didn't take long to catch up to him to the entrance as my eyes turned red.

I managed to block the entrance as I said, "That's far enough Knuckles. Now release my brother and I will let you live."

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