Ch. 9

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Manics Pov

I was sitting down in a panic while trying to remain calm. But I was clearly losing my mind.

Boomer and Tails were at Boomers lab, trying to save my brother. I was shaking at the mere thought of losing my only brother.

Grey-Sky and Rika entered in an alarming way.

Rika asked, "What happened? Shawn called us three. What's going on Manic?"

I said to them, "Its Sonic..."

Rika and the others gasped as Grey-Sky shook.

Shawn asked, "What the hell happened to your kid brother?"

I asked as I was getting furious at the person who harmed my brother, "TRY ASKING TTHAT DUMBASS RED BRUTE!!"

Grey-Sky asked, "Calm down Manic. Are you saying Knuckles attacked Sonic?"

I nodded with a stern but angry expression. Rika and Grey-Sky were in pure horror.

It felt like 10 whole hours gone by before Tails walked out of the lab with Boomer.

I shouted as I stood up, "IS MY BROTHER OKAY!?"

Tails answered me, "Calm down Manic he's alive. But he's far from alright."

Boomer then said, "Yeah pal, we managed to stop the bleeding and everything. But I had to replace his left eye with another eye, but it won't be the same."

Manic asked, "When did you get an eye?"

Boomer answered, "I rather not say... But Sonic is super hurt now."

I asked them, "Can I see him?"

Boomer answered me, "Not yet he's asleep right now."

Tails asked in fear, "What happened to him?"

I angrily answered, "Knuckles happened."

The two gasped as I was serious.

Tails was in shock as he asked, "Knuckles? W-Why would he do such a thing? Th-this makes no sense."

I then said, "Yes, I am sure. He was hurting Sonic, I saw him. I even heard him yelling at him."

Tails looked stunned. I can tell he was getting as pissed as I am. Even Grey-Sky was getting pissed.

Grey-Sky then shouted, That, THAT BRUTAL BASATRD!" He then punched the wall. I had seen Grey-Sky get furious, but this is the first time he has gone enraged without turning Enraged Grey.

It was only a matter of time until I was able to see Sonic.

Sonics pov

I opened my eyes as I let out a painful groan. It was blurry until I saw, I was in Boomers lab.

I was laying on a therapist style sofa. An oxygen mask was on my muzzle, bandages were on my body, and I was frightened as hell.

I even had a blood transfusion started.

I couldn't believe Knuckles would do this to me. All because I failed to save him earlier.

I now was convinced he try to kill me.

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