Ch. 17

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Silvers pov

After Knuckles went to another room, we watched the tape over and over.

It made no sense. How could Knuckles hurt Sonic when he was with us?

We terminate the 'evil twin' theory. Almost all of the villains had an alibi 'including Eggman'.

My two hot and sexy boyfriends even agree that this makes no sense.

Every single person is on the hunt for Knuckles all because Sonic thought Knuckles attacked him.

This made no sense at all.

I was getting tense and very stressed to the point of feeling my power getting unstable.

But luckily my two sexy boyfriends 'Shadow and Mephiles' comforted me.

The tensity decreased while feeling the warm and steady hands of my boyfriends.

Mephiles asked, "What can we do? The imposter could be anyone."

Shadow replied to him, "I have no idea. This be more serious than any of us thought."

Mephiles sighed deeply before I knew it, I was feeling my boyfriends holding me in their embrace.

I then said to them, "Look. It's getting late and why don't we have some fun?"

The two smirked at me as I blushed shyly. They're really cute.

They held me on each side as I sighs and groaned in pleasure.

Mephiles said to me as Shadow bit my ear 'sexually', "Oh hell yeah, our pet. Please us."

Mephiles blew in my ear as I groaned in pleasure.

I blushed as Shadow and Mephiles touched my crotch from each side while they sucked on my neck on each side as well.

It was hot as hell. I loved both my babes. They're so sexy and so sexual.

We sat down on the couch. Actually I sat down on Shadows lap and Mephiles grabbed me from behind.

I can feel his bulging cock sliding into my ass.

Shadow kissed me as I blushed a deep red as I moaned in Shadows mouth while feeling his tongue slithering in my mouth.

Shadow then broke the kiss as he said to me, "Time put that mouth of yours on my dick bitch."

I was getting frisky before I lowered my head and my mouth now has Shadows cock in it.

Good God, they're so good. I feel them thrusting me from both sides.

I sucked on Shadows cock while Mephiles thrusted me in the ass.

The speed increased as I moaned in pleasure while hearing both my boyfriends groaned.

Mephiles said seductively, "Oh hell yeah Silver. Yo-Your so tight..."

Shadow then said as I moaned louder, "Ugh~Shit...Keep sucking babe. Ahh~S-so fucking good. Ahh!! Oh~F-fuck yeah."

I feel sweat from my body while the thrusting continued and I started to feel my ass and my mouth was feeling with Shadow and Mephiles filling while I moaned in pleasure.

I then screamed as I came. My filling started to spill on the couch while Shadows and Mephiles cum was inside me.

I didn't hesitate to swallow as Shadow removed his cock from my mouth.

Mephiles did the same to my ass while laid in their embrace.

I panted as I said, "So sexy..."

Mephiles replied to him, "Your real cuter after our sex."

Shadow whispered to me, "You're more tight than Knuckles was."

I asked with a smirk, "Really?"

Shadow nodded in honesty.

We both laid down on the couch while watching the news about Knuckles being a wanted attempted murderer. Then with a click in his mind, Mephiles said while sitting up, "Speaking of Knuckles. What the hell are we going to do? We know he's innocent. But, the cops will be looking for him. Not just the cops, but the posse too."

Shadow replied to him, "I'm aware of that Mephiles. I mean, the video is the icing on the cake to put him in jail. We can't allow it to happen."

I asked, "What are we going to do? They're probably setting up road blocks at the boarder and out of town right about now."

Mephiles said to Shadow, "He's right. The FBI and royal guards must've searched all over Angel Island by now. Still, this isn't good."

Shadow then replied to us, "Well we may possibly go to jail as accomplices. I mean I did help him escape from the angry mob after all. If they catch us, I'll convince them we were Knuckles hostages and have him turn himself in until this whole thing blows."

I said to him, "Are you kidding? Not one will believe us. Not even Sonic."

Without hesitation Mephiles then said with a serious tone, "He's right. From what we know things will be bad. Sonic is convinced Knuckles tried to kill him."

I then suggested, "Maybe we all should lay low for a long while."

Shadow and Mephiles agreed.

I laid down in their arms as I said, "I hope things will go well in the end."

We fell asleep on the couch while the news update on Knuckles whereabouts was unknown while the rain started to pour.

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