Ch. 10

52 2 0

Sonics pov

I heard the door opened and saw Manic, Boomer, Shawn, Tails, and my two childhood friends. Rika and Grey-Sky were terrified as I am.

Rika said as she took my hand, "Sonic are you okay?"

I answered her, "N-no. I'm alive but I am far from alright..."

Rika looked down as Grey-Sky asked, "Did Knuckles do this to you?"

I nodded in fright as Tails gasped. I then told them what happened.

As I finished, Grey-Sky said calmly, "Sonic, you saved him. He should be at least grateful you came to his rescue. But I am furious at him for hurting you."

Tails then said, "hang in there buddy. We will help you."

Shawn replied, "Your friends' right kid. Your going to be okay."

Boomer asked in worry, "What should we do Manic?"

That is when Manic commanded, "Shawn call the police, Tails you informed the others, Boomer you contact my little sister now, Grey-Sky go tell your father what happened and tell him to double the wolf guards at once, and Rika call my parents and the royal guards at once."

The group nodded before making those phone calls.

Manic stayed by my side 'making sure I was safe'. I used a little bit of my strength to reach out to my brothers hand.

Manic looked at him with a concern expression. I felt like sobbing in his embrace, but I had no strength to do that.

Manic ended up hugging me tight. I started crying hysterical in his arms. He whispered to me, "Its okay Sonic. You are going to be alright. I promise."

I ended up in the hospital for a little while, but after my scars healed, I was released. My parents were furious.

The police and guards and hell even Grey-Skys wolf guards were on the hunt for Knuckles.

I haven't seen him in a while after that night. I'm glad he hasn't shown up.

I assumed he left. Until I saw him again, I thought he was going to finish me off. He chased me til I was cornered. He grabbed me and while I was struggling out of his grasp 'begging to be let go'.

I was only lucky Grey-Sky was able to save me. Call it wolf instincts.

Rika and I made our escape. We made sure, we were far enough from him.

We were able to catch up to Tails and Manic and told him everything.

Once Manic heard it he and Tails were furious.

They were so ready to beat him to a shitty and bloody pulp.

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