Ch. 7

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Sonics pov

Knuckles brutally pulled my wrists together before pulling out a rope to tie my hands together in front of me. 

I shouted as the rope was getting tight enough to leave marks on my wrists, "OUCH KNUCKLES THAT HURT!!"

Knuckles then whispered sadistically, "That is the point of torture bitch."

Once my hands were tied, Knuckles did not hesitate to pull out two nails that looked like they were pulled out of a furnace or something hot.

He then pinned my hands above my head and then he dropped one of the nails before he gazed at me with those purple crazed eyes as he placed one nail on my right palm.

it was burning me, my eyes widened as Knuckles pound the nail through my hand.

I let out a terrified scream as he pounds the nail through my palm. He then did the same to my left hand.

The nails were burning as I felt my hands pinned to the tree. Lightning was flashing. 

Knuckles looked scary in the lightning. I felt my heart pound in fear.

Then Knuckles then said while crazily laughing, "This is it Sonic! Your end begins now."

He blindfolded me before he started beating me up like I'm a rag doll.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I cried, "KNUX STOP IT PLEASE! I'M SORRY PLEASE STOP!!"

He stopped but he was not finished, the next thing I knew, I was feeling something steel cutting me and scratching me all over my body.

It was like I entered a horror film and I'm the victim. Then I felt my body being whipped by something metal. No doubt Knuckles is using a chain to whip me.

I begged while crying, "KNUX PLEASE STOP IT!! YOU'RE HURTING ME!!"

He ignored my begging as he was whipping me 10 or maybe 15 times I dunno. I kept screaming by every torture he did to me.

That was when he stopped. He then punched me in the stomach and said, "I'll never be friends with a dumb and naive boy like you. You are dead to me. I hate you. I can't stand you. I shoulda disposed you a long time ago. Now is my time to get rid of you. I never ever liked a weak, disgraceful, and immature kid like you. Behind that dumbass cocky hero act, you're just a scared prince running from your destiny."

I gasped in horror and said in tears, "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME!? I TRIED TO...!"

I then got slapped in the face again as Knuckles shouted, "SHUT UP YOU BRAT!! I HATE YOU AND I ALWAYS WILL!!"

He then lifted the blindfold on the left side of my eye. I was in horror to see what he was going to do to me.

He reached for my left eye as I asked in fear, "Wait, Stop. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Knuckles then yanked my eye out as I let out a blood curdling scream.

That was when he used a knife to cut it off.

I screamed while crying. I then screamed in tears, "IT HURTS!!! STOP!!"

Knuckles then said as he was about to kill me, 'Now, DIE YOU BITCH!!!"

He was about to kill me. I thought it was my end. But a male voice shouted in shock as he stopped, "DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?"

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