Ch. 23

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Sonics pov

If there is one thing I hate doing is running away. I mean I'm use to running away from Amy but Knuckles?

I haft to make an exception. He turned into a psycho cause of me. He wanted to kill me.

Partially my fault yea but, he wanted to kill me.

Was what he said about us not being friends...? Real?

I saw Knuckles and my brother fighting. Though to my horror, Knuckles defeated Manic and left.

After he left, I rushed to Manic to check if he's alright.

He was still breathing and still alive. I had to wait until my Dad and uncle arrive.

They were relieved I was not harmed though they were worried about Manic as well.

A few minutes later, he was transported to the clinic.

Looks like I gotta avoid Knuckles without getting caught.

He caught me once, I won't do it again. Yes I'm fast and brave but I hate to admit it.

But I'm really afraid of Knuckles. He's worst than any giant body of water.

I still can't believe Knuckles would attack me like that.

I would be dead if Manic didn't find me. Still, his cold stare, his torture toward me, and that cold tone of his drove me to tears.

Still, Knux is just scary. Though when I exited the clinic, I felt myself getting stalked.

I have a feeling who it is. A familiar voice said as I stopped and find myself on an empty street, "Hold it there, Sonic."

I replied to him while trying to hide my fear, "Back to finish what you started? Well I'm not gonna take that chance."

I couldn't turn to Knuckles cause I would assume he would glare at me like last time before the attack.

He then said as I heard his footsteps coming towards me, "Sonic, look I know you don't believe me but I wouldn't dare attack you like that. You're my best friend."

I said while I snap but didn't turn away, "Oh are you?! Cause last time I checked. You and I were never ever friends. Those were your exact words while you were torturing me. Even when I begged you to stop."

Knuckles then predictably' claimed, "But that wasn't me. It was never me. Okay, I yelled at you 'Yeah'. But I didn't attack you."

I protested in anger, "LIAR!! It was you! You attacked me! You slapped me, whipped me with a fucking chain, beaten me like I was your personal punching bag, and yanked my fucking eye out!! I'M FUCKING UGLY CAUSE OF YOU!"

Knuckles 'not giving up' said to me, "Oh come on! You're not that ugly."


I just don't want to face Knuckles. Burying my fear of him temporarily, I had to put on my fear aside and glare at the red menace.

I can't even consider him a friend anymore. Knuckles just looked at me sadly.

I sighed deeply before he said as he walks to me, "Look, i-it's not so bad..."

I interrupted him, "BULLSHIT AND DO NOT COME ANY CLOSE...!"

I was interrupted as Knuckles lunged at me.

He was on top of me while I growled and shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK YOU BASTARD!?"

That was when Knuckles pointed to a throwing knife that was supposedly was going to be thrown at my head but missed when Knuckles lunged at me.

We stood up when we see this Grim Reaper dude coming towards us.

Knuckles took my arm and we ran. Undoubtedly I am being kidnapped again.

This sux.

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