Ch. 11

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Knuckles Pov

That wolf is persistent. He is not too happy when it comes to his friends. Especially when it's his childhood friends.

I mean, I didn't do anything, sure I snapped at him, but I didn't hurt him. Not psychically for once.

I was able to catch up to Sonic but unfortunately, I think I went on Manic's bad side.

But this time, he is super pissed off. But its unexpected that Tails in a on a level of anger as his.

Tails growled at me and said as he got out a weapon of his, "You got a lot of nerve coming back here after what you did to Sonic."

I asked in shock, "Wait you all think I did this to him?"

Manic then replied coldly as he pulled out a knife, "Don't you dare play dumb with us! I saw you hurt Sonic on that day."

Tails then said angrily, "Your punch marks matched on the ones on Sonics bruised and bloody body."

Just as I was about to approach Sonic and said, "Sonic, I didn't hurt you like that you gotta be..."

I then got cut off when I saw Grey-Sky lunged at me.

I dodged him before Manic said, "Stay away from my baby brother you monster."

He whistled for Shawn and Boomer and no doubt they showed up.

Then Espio and the chaotix showed up. They too were ticked. Also Jules 'Sonics father' and Chuck appeared along with Cyrus.

I asked in frustration, "Alright, does anyone else think I did this to Sonic?"

Everyone shouted, "YES! YOU HURT SONIC!!"

Cyrus growled as Grey-Sky did. 

Jules then said to me, "My oldest son saw what you did Knuckles the Echidna. You harmed my youngest son."

I did get offensive and said, "I didn't do anything. I did not even lay a punch on him."

Cyrus then said to me as he showed the punch marks still on the right side of Sonics body, "Then how do you explain this?!"

I saw the punch marks. They were indeed mine but I don't remember laying a punch on him. All I did was snap at him and that is it.

Vector then said as two out of the chaotix proteges showed up, "Just as we thought."

Mighty then Armedillo 'also there' said, "Knuckles The Echidna, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Sonic The Hedgehog."

I did not know what was going on, Sonic is scared of me, everyone's pissed at me, and now I'm an attempted murderer. 

Knowing I am possibly being framed, I ran off.

Chuck shouted, "He's getting away!" 

Manic then yelled, "Let's get him boys!"

That is when the boys ran after me. I can hear Jules say to Sonic to stay with Rika.

I keep running away from the mob of angry males Sonic and I have known.

I tripped once or twice. But as I got up, I saw the mob running closer.

Manic then shouted as he pointed at me, "GET HIM!!"

I shouted as I got up quick, "SHIT!!"

I ran off again. Trying to lose that angry mob is not as easy as I thought. Then out of nowhere, a dark car pulled up.

The door opened, revealing to be Shadow in the back seat.

He said to me, "Get in now."

I did not hesitate to get in as Espio's apprentice shouted, "SENSEI HE'S GETTING AWAY!!"

Espio replied, "Don't worry Sora. We'll find him."

Shadow slammed the door as we drove off. Leaving an angry mob behind.

I looked back and see Sonic far away with Rika. Oh God, What the hell is happening?

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