Ch. 5

53 3 0

Knuckles pov

I was cooled down and recovered. I left Shadows house after recovering.

Yeah things were a little quiet at first.

I swear if Sonic does something stupid, I will hit him. I was walking on an empty street.

The wind blows gently, my usual attitude hasn't changed.

Then that moment happened, I saw Sonic walking towards beside a wooded area.

I shouted to him, "Hey Sonic!"

Then, it happened. What I did not expect is this, Sonic turned to me alright, but he gasped in horror and shook like a leaf.

Sonic had a fearful look on his face. I thought he was messing with me as I said while walking towards him, "Okay Sonic, stop with the fearful act and..."

That is when Sonic said something I did not expect with that horrified expression, "No! Don't come any closer please."

I stopped; I did not know what Sonic is talking about. He acted like I was gonna kill him.

Sonic whimpered and coward at the sight of me. I walked to him and asked, "What the hell are you trying to pull?"

Sonic stepped back as his eyes widened in fear as he breathed in a panic.

As I got closer to him, Sonic ran off in fear and screamed, "HELP!!!"

He ran in the woods. I did not know what gotten into him, I just chased after him. He really did look like I was going to kill him.

Half of my mind said he was only joking with me, but the other half is something else.

When I caught up with him, he was cornered to a tree. Sonic shook like a leaf while crying.

I asked as I caught up with him, "Since when did you started acting pathetic?"

Sonic then used his arms and said as he closed his eyes, "D-don't come near me."

I was just confused at this. I then walked to him as I said, "Sonic what the hell are you talking about? Are you trying to mess with me?"

Nothing was heard from him. All he did was whimpered. But when I was face to face with him, he pushed me away as he tried to get away again.

I grabbed him by the arm as I said in frustration, "Stop running from me you twit!"

Sonic kept screaming and struggling like a frighted little kid as he said in fright, "No! PLEASE LET ME GO! PLEASE NOT AGAIN PLEASE! LET ME GO! HELP!"

I was getting more frustrated before I noticed something. Sonics left eye looked unusual. It was a darker green than it was suppose to be.

I also saw something that made my blood run cold.

Sonics body was covered in scars. Lots of it. They looked like cuts, scratch marks, whip marks, punch marks, and there was even a bite mark on him.

I asked in shock as he struggled to get out of my grasp while begging to be let go, "Sonic, What the fuck happen to...?"

Before I could finish my question, I was kicked harshly 'hard enough to let go of Sonic' as a familiar angry voice shouted, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

Sonic was on the ground as he felt horrified.

I caught a glimpse of familiar black combat boots. I figured it was one of Sonics speedy pals 'Grey-Sky The Wolf'.

I growled as I turned to him angrily and asked, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR WOLF!?"

Grey-Sky replied to me with a snarl, "I won't let you hurt him again Knuckles. You are so dead."

I asked as I stood up, "What are you talking about?"

Grey-Sky growled loudly as he said with a pissed off expression, "Don't play dumb with me echidna. We know what you did to him."

That is when Rika 'Sonics other speedy friend and arranged marriage partner showed up and rush to him'.

Rika kneeled down and said, "It's okay Sonic, you are safe now."

Rika glared at me as Grey-Sky said to her, "Rika, get him home. I'll deal with this sick son of a bitch."

Rika nodded before running off with Sonic. Before I know it, I was fighting Grey-Sky the wolf. He was furious at me.

As if he was convinced, I was the cause of his childhood friends injuries.

Sonic maybe annoying but I don't hurt him that bad.

Grey-Sky then said with an angered tone with his typical wolf growl, "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY TO HURTING SONIC LIKE THAT YOU BASTARD!"

I was shocked. Grey-Sky thought I did it. I protested as I dodged his pounce, "What the hell? I didn't hurt him. Not psychically."


He was going to use that powerful howl, knowing I will not resist his howling, I fled.

Grey-Sky then shouted as I looked to see Sonic and Rika's trail, "GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!!"

As if things were not bad enough, I had to run after Sonic.

What the hell has gone into them?

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