chapter 1

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It was my first day at Borderland Academy, or should I say Borderland Private  Boarding Academy.

My mom and I had just moved from Okinawa, all the way to Tokyo. After the incident we had no choice but to drop everything and leave. We'd caught the first flight we could and didn't look back.

My mom was quite well off as a neurosurgeon , she had no trouble finding us a nice apartment in the centre of the city. 

Being away from mom for months at a time was going to be hard for me, the truth was I'd never spent more than one night away from her. She was my best friend, as we drove through the outskirts of Tokyo we sang along to old music as I tried to put our apartness to the back of my mind.

It seemed as if we weren't even in Tokyo anymore, we were enclosed in luscious green forests and pollen ridden plants.

The car came to a steady halt outside what seemed to be a royal palace. It was beautiful, I'd never seen something so grand in my life.

That couldn't be the academy could it? My mom caught me gawping and pulled me out of the car to look at the place.

"Jesus christ i didn't expect it to be so.." I couldn't think of the correct word to do this place justice.

"Magnificent? Spectacular? Angelic?" My mom says reaching to hold my hand

"Yes" I gasp using my free hand to lug my suitcase behind me as we begin the walk down the pearlescent lane.

The Academy was behind the most pristine crystal lake and then air smelt so fresh and clean. It was like we were in a whole other city.

"Mom i knew you weren't sending me to prison or anything but this place is truly outside of anything I could have imagined" I say still in utter shock from the regality of this school

"You deserve to be some place like this after all you've been through Mitchiko" My mom assures me 

I love my mom.

After saying many sweet goodbyes, mom was behind the gates and the doors were shut.

A tall thin man stepped out through a door, he had long untamed hair and sunglasses.

"You must be Mitchiko Yoshida" He says to me extending his bony hand "I am Principal Hatter"

I shook it, held back a remark on the concerning coldness of his hand.

"Hello sir" I say trying to seem approachable

"Welcome to Borderland Academy, i'm sure you will enjoy your time here at our school" He tells me 

"Thank you sir"

"Now I have assigned you a student to show you round the premises and make sure you feel at home here"

A tall girl steps out from another set of doors, she gives me a warm smile and a wave.

She was beautiful, her skin was  radiant and her hair was tied in a high ponytail.

"I'm Hikari Kuina" She says giving me a warm smile

I smile back, she seemed nice. Maybe I would make some real friends this year.

"Mitchiko Yoshida" I introduce myself

"I hope you enjoy your time here Miss Yoshida, i'm sure you will thrive" Principal Hatter say before lurking back through his office doors

"Right let's start with your uniform" Kuina tells me and leads me through the doors into the hallway

Kuina linked her arm with mine "I'm so excited to finally have a girlfriend around"

"Same" I laugh, relief spread over me, I'd made a friend

"I've been stuck with this moody bastard for the past few years" she continues with a sigh 

We continued to down the halls, the interior was so decadently flourished. It was all so pristine and regal. We made a left into the uniform office, it was a small room with racks on racks of different uniform styles. An old lady sat behind a desk and welcomed us in.

"So the uniform here is quite liberal, so just pick whatever you want. Your parents will have taken care of costs beforehand so don't worry about that" Kuina explained to me

I told her my size and she helped me to pick some things out, the uniform here was much prettier than at my old school. The designs were plain and muted colours whereas here they had bright blues and i actually liked the way everything looked.

The lady packed everything up for me before bidding us goodbye.

"I'll have them sent up to you dorm for you" She told me 

I thank her before we turn to leave. 

"Kuina omg i forgot my stuff in the front hall" I gasp holding my hand to my forehead

"Oh no don't worry, it'll be sent to your dorm room" she reassures me 

I felt at ease, i didn't want to cause trouble and have to go all the way back there. This place was huge and was a 3 minute walk back at least.

We continued down a few more halls, i got the opportunity to peak into a few classrooms. They looked more like university classes than high school ones, this place continued to exceed my expectations.

"Right I'll take you to your dorm now" Kuina says pressing the button for the elevator.

That's right, the elevator. The elevator inside of the academy.

"So I have a few problems to discuss with you before we get to you room" Kuina confesses sighing and leaning against the mirrored wall of the elevator.

"Oh okay" 

"Right so, due to you beginning 3 months before the end of the school year, we have no more forms available" She tells me trying to break it to me as best as she could.

My stomach dropped, I suppose it was my own fault for beginning so late. Who begins school in January?

"Oh well that's fine don't worry, i can just go home. It's completely okay" I ramble

"Nonsense, you have somewhere to stay of course" She stops my ramble, putting a hand on my shoulder "We have one room available, in the boys dormitories"

It just keeps getting better and better. I could just sleep at home surely. Or maybe not, my new home was nearly an hours drive away.

"Well I guess that fine" I say still unsure about this whole thing

"Oh great, we'll if it helps I know the guy your sharing with really well" Kuina tells me trying to comfort me as best she could "He's the moody bastard I was telling you about earlier"

The elevator dings and we both step out, I immediately notice the difference from the downstairs to up here. It seemed much more homely, carpeted floors, dim lights, large windows.

"You have nothing to worry about Mitchiko i promise you, he's very respectful of women, keeps to himself, very clean, bit snarky, very scheming, he has a good heart though. somewhere..." 

"Well that's good, don't worry Kuina I'm sure we'll be good friends" I tell her as we come to  a stop outside dorm thirteen.

Thirteen, wow a lucky number.

"Right let me go in there and make sure everything's fine" Kuina says disappearing behind the door.

I hear a lot of muffled talking for the next 2 minutes. 

"I told you she was coming up, put some damn clothes on you idiot" Kuina groans

"I don't see why I should have to change my ways because I'm getting a roommate" A low voice says calmly

"Oh my god you're unbelievable, i'm bringing her in. Get decent now" 

The door rips open and i'm met with Kuina giving me an awkward smile and an apology.

She pulls me in.

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