chapter 8

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"Mitchiko why don't you have any clothes??" Kuina gasps after rummaging through my under adequate clothing

"I do!" I say trying to defend myself a bit "They just aren't for going out" I admit 

"Can you believe this girl Chishiya" Kuina exhales throwing her hands in the air and packing all my stuff away into the drawers and onto hangers.

"Unbelievable" He exasperates sarcastically

"Exactly. C'mon let's have breakfast and then we're going to buy you something to wear tonight" Kuina tells me helping me stand up with her

"Oh is that still on?" Chishiya asks his voice and absent and bored

"Just a put a shirt on, let's go eat" 

After breakfast, Kuina called us a taxi and got Usagi who had decided to come with us. The journey was maybe half an hour in to the main city, I fell asleep almost immediately.

We pay the taxi driver and find out selves in Shibuya, looking around for our first stop.

"Mitchiko what kind of outfit do you want? A two piece or a dress?" Usagi asks me

"A dress" I was trying to so hard to hide my extreme excitement. I'd never gone out with friends like this, obviously i'd hung out with friends before. But this felt different, i couldn't explain it.

"Okay well there's a shop near here with the prettiest dresses ever" Kuina tells us as we walk in the direction she'd indicated. 

The store was large and had racks upon racks of clothing.

"What colour do you want Mitchi?" Kuina asks from across the store 

I think about it a for a second and decide on the colour i wanted "White"

After getting my outfit we got lunch and headed back and went out separate ways till tonight. I headed to my dorm to collect all the work i'd done the night before.

I had 2 more assignments to complete and I'd be finished and able to hand them in.

It was only 2pm by the time i'd finished still had over 7 hours to kill. I hadn't seen Chishiya since breakfast, maybe he went out.

I put all off my work in to folders divided by subject and placed them all into my bag. If I handed them in maybe they'd be assessed by next week, my teachers at my old school took weeks to mark anything. I'm hoping the teachers are better here.

It only took me 10 minutes to make my way round the whole school to drop off my work, my teachers seemed surprised to say the least that I had headhunted them all on a saturday to hand in my work. Especially since it was all extra credit.

I felt nervous, I wasn't going lie. My confidence was very on and off, right now it was off. In my set classes, everybody was insanely smart. Like crazy smart, it was intimidating for sure.

The work i handed in was the best i could produce but yet I was still worried it wasn't even good enough to change my rank at all.

Remaining 51st after all that effort would be humiliating to say the least. And a brilliant way to crush my motivation. I had quite a lot of time to waste so i decided to sleep a few movies. I was done with studying till Monday.

I got my laptop and opened Netflix, watching the movie that looked the least boring.

After 3 movies back to back, Chishiya was nowhere to be seen and I'd gotten bored of doing nothing. I had to find myself something to do before i shot myself.

I decided to call my mom, I hadn't heard her voice in three days. Naturally, we'd been texting every day but asides from that no real contact.

She should be done at the hospital by this time it was eight a clock, her shift will have ended an hour ago or so. Unless she was doing a night shift, in which case she'd probably find a way to answer.

"Hey mom" 

"Mitchi? Why haven't you called me sooner" She laughs, at least she sounded happy to hear from me

"Sorry i've been doing a lot of work. This school is weird with the grades" I explain

"Weird? How"

"We get ranked by our grade, obviously i'm at the bottom right now because i just joined and they have no idea of my old scores" 

"Oh right, well I'm sure you'll be great Mitchi. You have my brains remember"

I could hear her car revving in the background, she just doing a night shift at the hospital. She was right, I definitely got my intelligence from her, she was a neurosurgeon at a hospital in central Tokyo as of 2 weeks ago. 

She applied the minute after the incident and got the position almost immediately. She was really good, I was proud of my mom more than anything. Once she was flown out to America to perform a brain surgery on a politician so obviously she got a job quickly in the hospital.

"Yeah i guess i do" I agree

"What's your room like? Who are you sharing with? Is she nice?" My mom bombards me with questions

"Our room is big, lots of space. I'm sharing with a girl in my class, she's a bit cold. But i can feel her warning up to me" I say missing the part where my dorm mate is of the opposite sex.

"Oh that's good, that's good. I'll have to meet her one day okay?" 

"What? Oh no i don't think that's necessary" I say trying to persuade my mom that was a bad idea.

But i knew my mom, she was like me. Once she'd made her mind up about something there was no way in hell you could change it.

"Don't be silly Mitchi, but anyways i've got to go now my shift starts in 5 minutes" My mom tells me

"Okay bye mom, love you"

"Love you too" And she was gone.

That was shorter than i wanted, i still had an hour. I might as well go eat now, possibly take some snacks for tonight from the cafeteria. Then i won't have to steal from the kitchen again.

I had to find someone to come with me though of course, walking into the cafeteria by myself would be humiliating. It's just a thing you don't do yknow, eating alone.

Just then the front door clicked and Chishiya walked through. Perfect timing as usual.

"Chishiya! Thank god" I shout, i jump off my bed and grab his arm dragging him back into the hallway. He only just managed to drop his bag on a chair next to our door.

"I've never heard you so excited to see me Mitchiko" He says as we walk

"Yeah well i'm hungry" I tell him

"And what does that have to do with me?" He asks

"I can't go into the cafeteria alone can I? Who do you think I am" 

We sit at our usual table, I look around at the other tables, as a school of under 300 the cafeteria was never packed. Today was no exception it was oddly quiet, most likely due to it being a Saturday. 

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, obviously i ignore it. I'm not an ipad kid, i can eat without scrolling through youtube and other sorts.

Chishiya however obviously wasn't like me, immediately taking his phone out of his phone pocket. He opens his phone and drops it immediately.

"Congratulations Mitchiko" He says, his tone was something I'd never heard before. He sounded...spiteful. But he managed to mask it with his congratulatory overlay, if i didn't pay attention to detail as freakishly much as I did i would have missed it. That tiny hint of envy.

I felt a stupid amount of eyes land on me, it felt like there was a lot more students in this cafeteria than I had previously thought.

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