chapter 35

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The first half of the competition, Banda's piercing eyes didn't leave my being. Equal with Urumi, she say in the crowd keeping her eye on Chishiya and I. How had i made so many enemies in just a few days?

We had agreed privately that we weren't going to throw any of the rounds, despite Banda being so insistent on it. We figured it was unfair on Arisu, and also Banda was a world star pussy so we figured it would be fine.

Every question we answered he seemed to become more on edge, his smile widening by the minute.

After our last competition the judges announced another win for us, Banda's expression morphing cold. He was obviously salty that we didn't throw the competition like he demanded. I'm sure we wouldn't be hearing the last of that.

Tonight there was supposed to be some kind of ceremony/party to conclude the end of Nationals and announce a winner. Despite it being painfully clear who had won already.

It was our last night at the hotel, we'd then hang around and then go back to the academy. I missed Kuina and Usagi a lot, despite us texting and calling constantly whilst we were here.

It wouldn't be long till we went on the class trip anyways so it'll be fun to hang out with them at the beach. I only hoped we didn't run into anyone from my old school. I knew a lot of people Okinawa, it was also the last place I saw my dad. I'd lived there my entire life, i worked very hard to change my accent and my vocabulary when I moved here. I didn't want anything to do with it, but a class trip couldn't hurt surely. It would be fun.

We still had to finish that stupid project too.

Being away from school for an only a couple days had made me realise how much was happening and how little time was left before our break.

We were in february now so we a little over a month till the end of the semester in march.

Then we got another month off till we returned in mid april. A month of doing absolutely nothing sounded wonderful to me.

Studying endlessly every day for my first week just to beat Chishiya wore me out. I didn't even succeed as well. Typically this would absolutely destroy me and I wouldn't accept defeat so easily, but after talking to Chishiya enough I realised there was no way I could beat him. I was intelligent, i knew that, but he was some kind of prodigy. Like the messiah of academics, there was no way i would beat him. And for the first time in my life i think i was actually able to accept it.

Sure, if i studied hard enough for as long as humanly possible, i could beat him with ease. But it really wasn't worth it, studying i enjoyed but it was tiresome. I should be spending my teenage years being a teenager, not cramming my schedule with school revision 24/7.

It dawned on me, I hadn't called my mom in a while so it felt like a good time.

Chishiya was playing valorant with Arisu. Only Arisu would bring an entire games console with him on a school trip. I had the room to myself and seized my chance.

"Hey mom"

"Mitchi! I was just about to call you" My mom greets

"Oh okay, sorry i haven't called you recently. I'm on a trip with the academy" I explain

"Oh i know honey i had to sign the consent form"

"Right of course"

"You having fun?"

"Definitely, everything's great. My team and I won all the competitions, the finishing ceremony is tonight"

"All the competitions?! I'm so proud" She gasps in excitement and pride

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