chapter 12 - chishiya's pov

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The moment the words left my lips she was gone. My own feelings had to subside to understand what had just happened. Mitchiko had passed out, falling forwards, nearly killing herself in the process.

I'd caught her only just before she fell into the street below us. I check her pulse, taking her wrist in between my fingers. It was terribly fast, but her breathing was steady. 

She had been drugged as far as I could tell. Mitchiko appeared to be asleep, if only that were the case.

I lift her body up in my arms and take her down the steps on the side of the building. For good reason, I wouldn't take her back inside of the club, whoever drugged her was probably searching for her now. I'd been watching her carefully ever since we arrived here, yet I never saw any signs of drugging.

Karube, as absent minded as he could be sometimes, wouldn't do something like this.

The bartender had switched once during our visit, the switch was from a young woman to a male who looked familiar but not enough to recognise.

I caught a taxi pretty soon, laying Mitchiko on her side her head against my thigh. For purposes of emergency, if she choked I could easily aid her unlike if she was sat upright.

My eyes stayed on her the entire journey, Kuina called me not long before we arrived back at the Academy.

I answer reluctantly, not really in the mood to talk right now.

"Chishiya? Where are you?" Kuina asks frantically

"A few minutes away from the Academy" I tell her

"Why didn't you say you were leaving? Have you seen Mitchi? Is she with you?" I could tell she was drunk, her words joint up in places but I could understand her with ease. After years of friendship I'd encountered her drunk more times than I cared too.

"She's with me" I tell her

"Oooh you too finally hit it off have you?" She asks

"She's been drugged" 

"Fuck, we'll come back right now. I'll find everyone" Kuina tells me, a hint of sobriety coming back

"No don't, i've taken care of it don't worry" I tell her

"You're sure she's fine?" She asks

"I'm sure Kuina, I wouldn't tell you to stay if she wasn't" 

"Okay fine, please take care of her Chishiya."

"Of course" 

I hang up the phone as we get out of the car. She'd been drifting in and out of consciousness throughout the drive. Her heart rate was slowing down to a normal pace again, naturally I'd been monitoring it throughout.

Getting back into the Academy was going to be a bit harder than usual. Typically, we would jump the fence, it wasn't a high gate, but for obvious reasons that wasn't possible right now.

I figured I could short circuit the gate due to it being ran by electricity. I built a taser a few months ago out of boredom and utter curiosity, it could transmit about 30 volts but that was enough to disarm a person so it should be plenty to shock the fence open.

I sling Mitchiko over my shoulder, and take another pin from her hair and use it to unscrew the circuit box. It only takes two shocks and the gate buzzes open. 

I'd been monitoring her for half an hour now, she was still asleep, mumbling random words every so often. She developed a fever about 17 minutes ago, I had covered her with her comforter and placed a cold towel over her head. 

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