chapter 39

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"What if we just didn't go..." Chishiya suggests gently holding my arm to prevent me from collecting Arisu to go to this stupid closing ceremony.

"They're important" I insist, doubting my own words and reasoning.

"Its a high school level quiz not The Olympics Mitchi, the closing ceremony is a waste of everyone's time" He drones, his voice near begging.

"Miss Mira will probably have a nervous breakdown if we ditch" I huff breaking loose from his desperately tightening grip and knocking a little louder than I intended too on Arisu's door.

"She's a grown woman, she'll cope" He says shifting his arms around my waist and pulling me against his front. I tilt my head back and glare at the incredibly antisocial blond as I hear shuffling from Arisu's room.

Chishiya's arms stiffen around my body and I feel my feet lift off the ground as he starts to walk back towards his room.

"You can't just kidnap me because you dont want to go" I exclaim trying to hide my immense amusement "Put me down before I lock you in a cupboard with Urumi" 

He dropped me to the floor immediately and ran his hands over his face groaning loudly. This ceremony seemed to be the most excruciating thing for him, it appeared he'd do anything to simply skip it. Too bad though.

Arisu stumbles out the door at perfect timing allowing us to get in the lift together with no one else. 

We were required to dress formally, I didn't bring anything special because I still didn't believe it was too serious. I did like my dress choice though, it was a smooth white off the shoulder satin dress that came to my mid calf with flounced sleeves. Maybe I was lying, maybe it was a bit special, but when i saw it in the store on one of my frequent trips into Tokyo with Kuina and Usagi, I had to get it.

As we enter the hall the ceremony was held in, I spotted Ms Mira beckoning us over. They'd managed to make this hotel function room look like some kind of royal event. I truly didn't understand what for, it was only a high school academic competition, I suppose it was a national event.

The three of join Ms Mira, Mr Kuzuryu and the other students who were all stood in a bunch sipping on various drinks. Non-alcoholic of course, as far the teachers were concerned none of us had ever touched alcohol in our lives. It appeared all the school were stood in loose huddles waiting for whatever events to come to begin. 

I spotted Urumi, a couple students away from me, she wasn't glaring just watching me. I had to say she looked beautiful, I'd be lying if I couldn't admit that. Her hair was perfectly curled as usual, a slightly more formal well fitted blue dress adorned her body. It's a shame she was so annoying.

Chishiya visibly wanted to leave, he looked bored the second we stepped inside. I just hoped he could put on a fake smile for the actual ceremony. Arisu seemed to be in his own world, he was drinking a champagne glass of coke with the cheesiest smile on his face.

Just then I felt my phone buzz from my handbag, I pull it out to see a notification from Kuina. I look around, noticing many others on their phones and take the cue to check what she said. My face lit up as I opened the picture she sent me of her and Ann in front of Tokyo Tower. I was happy for her, she deserved a happy relationship. Ann was beautiful and smart so she had to be good for Kuina.

I replied sending a picture of a very depressed looking Chishiya who glared at my phone as a I took the picture. I laughed at how annoyed he looked. I barely had any pictures of him now that I thought about it. Did I even have any?...

After going through my photos app, I was gutted to find I had no decent pictures of my boyfriend. I made a resolution to take more in the future.

I grabbed two glasses of coke from a table a couple steps away from where we stood and handed one to Chishiya before sipping on my own. The announcer shortly appeared in the centre stage with a microphone in her hand.

"Welcome students, teachers, professors, judges and guests. Thank you for joining us at the 100th national youth academics competition! It's been a wonderful few days, I hope tonight you can all enjoy yourselves and this little celebration. In an hour, the awards will be given out but you are free to stay until midnight. Have fun!"

Ohh, this was the 100th competition? Explained the extreme decor quite a bit.

Abruptly after the short speech was done, a hum of chatter erupted in the room. The schools seemed to immediately mix, everyone going off on their own to socialise. My eyes widened slightly at the thought that we have to be here an hour.

I looked to my left and Arisu had wondered off somewhere with his brother in the year below. Leaving me with Chishiya.

"I think we're meant to go talk to people" I tell Chishiya softly, looking up to him.

"I think we are" He says his voice obviously not pleased we had to come here.

I try to lighten the mood, snaking my arm through his leading him into the crowd to find something to do. I could see a table of various foods, drinks, desserts and snacks that I was dying to try.

There had to be 300 people here, most weren't even students. I wonder what they were doing wasting their time here for then.

I felt a few eyes on us as we passed, I didn't want to bring any attention to us so I would just smile back politely before we managed to calmly wade through it.

"I thought you wanted to talk to people?" Chishiya teases as I pick up a can of cherry coke. I look at him mid sip with a sarcastic glare.

"Of course I fucking don't I'm thirsty. But we probably will have to talk to people at som-" 

"Miss Yoshida?" An older man in an all black suit interrupted me, he had come out of nowhere holding brandy in one hand and his other in his suit pocket. He nods to Chishiya, acknowledging his presence but not sparing him a word.

"Yes?" I answer politely

"My name is Mr Shirabi, im the dean at The University Of Tokyo" He introduces himself extending a hand for me to shake.

"I'd like to offer you a full scholarship to my University, I've been watching you these past few days and got some of your school records of your teachers. You appear to be a very consistently intelligent student, I did notice a few extra things in your file though, Some things we can offer support and help for." 

My heart started pounding, he knew about it. I didn't want Chishiya knowing, I didn't want anyone knowing but my mom insisted it had to be put down for safety reasons on my paperwork.

"That's so generous of you Mr Shirabi, thank you so much" I express quickly making sure he couldn't drag the previous topic any further than he hd.

"Of course, now since you haven't quite finished high school yet. You'll have nearly a year to really think about your decision. Here's my card, you can call me personally if you have any questions" He tells me placing his card in my hand, he smiles warmly once more before leaving, tapping Chishiya's shoulder as he leaves.

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