chapter 10

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Kuina let's the rest of our group in, including Chishiya.

I stand to introduce myself, setting my eyes on one in particular who i prayed was not Arisu.

"Hello" I smile "I'm-"

"Yoshida Mitchiko" The tallest of them says with a flashy smile, the one i'd set my eyes on.

"The girl who knocked the whole down a rank in 3 days" The shortest says. They sounded curious but not angry much to my luck. I was anxious they were be infuriated by me and I'd end up causing tension in the trip out which was not what I wanted.

"Yeah sorry about that" I say making sure to hold on eye contact with the tallest for as long as possible.

I had a plan I promise.

The one with shaggy unkempt hair i'd figured out was Arisu from the way he couldn't take his eyes off her the moment he stepped through the door. The tallest was Karube, and the shortest, Chouta.

Chishiya had brushed past them immediately to converse with Kuina in the corner away from the rest of us, he didn't even look at me.

I wanted him to look at me.

"Taxi should be here any second now, we should head off" Karube tells us all after we'd gathered our belongings

I'd noticed Chishiya had actually changed for once, he usually wore the same sort of thing everyday. Or at least for the couple days i'd been here, but tonight he wore a white fitted shirt, his typical white jacket, and black cargos. So obviously a huge difference in his clothing.

He looked fine as hell i wasn't going to lie myself, of course I'd never admit this out loud to anyone. I'd rather die, i'd never hear the end of it.

We all follow Karube down the hall, walking in pairs and small groups. I ended up walking with Chishiya at the back of the huddle and having to squash next to him in the elevator. To say it was awkward would be an understatement. He refused to even make eye contact with me, not that I tried very much. But normally he couldn't take his eyes off me. Constantly staring and watching, and i looked trolling most of the time.

And now i looked pretty, i felt pretty and the guy wouldn't even spare me a glance.

Usagi looked behind to check I was fine and probably saw me in deep thought. I've been told i always looked extremely angry or extremely gloomy when thinking too hard. I supposed it was the latter in this case. 

She was walking with Arisu and Chouta whilst Kuina loudly talked to Karube about a movie i'd seen already. I didn't want to ruin Usagi's moments with Arisu so i gave her a small smile to prove I was okay.

I was really hoping there'd be alcohol, i hadn't drank in ages. I missed the excitement.

When we got outside, last the lake and through the gates i spotted the taxi. It was a large black van that luckily had enough to seat us all. Chouta insisted on sitting upfront with the driver, something about travel sickness which seemed fair enough to me.

Arisu, Kuina and Karube sat in the middle row whilst Chishiya, Usagi and I took the back.

I sat between the both of them and it wasn't even a minute into the journey before Usagi brought him up, discreetly.

"Mitchiko, you look hot" she starts "He knows that but he won't admit it. Make him want you

Luckily she said this all low enough for me to barely even hear, so there was no chance that he could. I nod to her and wait the remaining minutes till we arrive.

We all hop out one by one and immediately I can hear the blaring music from inside. 

There was a line of people outside, I noticed the bouncer had a list and I instantly became nervous. The line looked long too and it was kinda cold outside.

"Don't worry about getting in Karubes mother owns this chain of clubs, and a few bars too" Kuina tells me noticing my brief look of worry

"Oh yeah I forgot everyone here is rich" I laugh nervously

I began to wonder what everyone else's parents did, I'd have to find out eventually. They must be hells rich to be able to afford to go to the school. My mom made quite a bit from her job, but divorce money and child support weren't unhelpful either.

Kuina hung back to walk inside with Chishiya whilst I found myself at the front with Karube. The bouncer immediately recognises him and the group and let us in, instructing another staff member to lead us in.

"Have you been to a club before Mitchiko?" Karube asks me as we're lead upstairs 

"Never" I admit 

"Don't seem so worried then, I'll look after you" He tells me slinging his arm round my shoulders

And then i did the most uncharacteristic thing I've ever done in my life. I let out the most girly, nervous, lovestruck giggle i've ever heard in my life. I didn't even know I could do that.

We were led to a black booth behind a large glass window. I, very conveniently, got stuck between Chishiya and Karube. I was just glad Usagi got to sit next to Arisu.

I had no idea how they weren't already together, they seemed absolutely infatuated with each other.

We had a perfect view of the club floor, there was a private bar in our booth and another downstairs. I wanted a drink right now.

"What's everyone drinking?" Chouta asks us, Karube stands with him to help get out drinks.

We go round the table explaining our drinks as they leave to order.

They returned nearly immediately with everything and more. Not surprised really, Karube was being treated like a prince here. Which made sense i supposed due to his family owning the place.

I sipped on my daiquiri and waited for some sort of guidance to club etiquette. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, right now i'd prefer to listen then to join in. 

"Anyone up for dancing?" Chouta asks us all

Kuina downs the rest of her drink and volunteers herself to go. 

A minute later, everyone was gone, and i was alone with him.

I rested my head on my hand and shuffled away as far as I could from him. He had drank 3 beers already but seemed far from tipsy.

I couldn't tell what I was feeling, i knew i could be overreacting. Possibly just overthinking, but everything about Chishiya pissed me off. 

But i couldn't help these other feelings, the thoughts i've been burying in my head and words i've wanted to say. It was all wrong. And i had to find a way to get over it.

Chishiya was staring at me, and I was sick of looking away. I turn to meet his gaze, holding his eyes to my own.

"You have pretty eyes" He tells me out of the blue

Possibly unreasonable rage rushes through me. I drop my drink back on to the table and stand to leave.

"You can't do that Chishiya. It's not fair" I say sliding the door open and leaving him alone in the booth.

He's cruel and then he's kind. I know i'm not the most expressive person in the world, but he was perceptive. He knew the effect he had on me, he knew. He'd be stupid if he didn't. And one second he says words he knows will hurt me, just to say something to give me a hope. A small string of hope that will go nowhere and only torment me further.

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