chapter 24

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The first competition worked in age order, starting with 7th grade till 12th. It wasn't a specific subject, it was a mixed event so the questions could be anything really.

So as the 7th graders were on stage with the rival schools. Dozens of tables which dozens of kids preparing for the first round. They seemed nervous as hell, I felt bad for them, they were the youngest here but had to go first.

Whilst they competed, the rest
of us were supposed to wait in the allocated room for our school. There were 15 students not currently competing so we all sat around in the games room. Some people were playing the few retro video games, others played pool.

But me? I landed myself sat at a small round table with Chishiya, Arisu and Urumi. She sat there sucking on a pink lollipop, staring at Chishiya half lidded.

"Should you be sat with your team?" Arisu asks her politely, he knew nothing about her but it was impossible for him to not feel the thick awkward tension between all of us.

"Oh right i probably should" She giggles "They're kind of boring though, thought i'd sit with some more interesting people"

She places her hand on his knee "As long as you don't mind"

I scoff loudly, disgusted by her forwardness and clear fake nature. Arisu peels her hand off him as if it was infected. "I don't mind".

He was too polite for his own good.

Her eyes fell onto my throat, shock and hurt flooding her face for a moment. She's obviously noticed the dark, purplish-red, bruise looking hickey left by my boyfriend not long ago. She wasn't taking it too well.

Chishiya on the other hand had said nothing so far, he sat with his hood up staring at something unimportant across the room. We had heaps of books and flash cards in front of us provided by the event but I could barely see anyone using them. This should either make me feel as if we had it in the bag or that everyone in here overestimated their intelligence.

"So.." Urumi begins with her sickly sweet smile "Party in our room tonight to celebrate, are you guys coming?"

I almost choked on air "Sorry what? What do you mean our room?"

Urumi rolls her eyes "I mean i've invited everybody here to a party in our rooms. Or would you like me to tell them all you've cancelled the whole thing?" How she managed to remain sow sweet and innocent whilst being so vile i did not understand.

"Fine do whatever" I huff "Who is everyone?"

"Just the eighteen from the academy, and a few from other schools."

I wanted to slam her head into the table so bad. I was planning to have Chishiya round after this shit, but nooo. Now i've got to tolerate this girls bullshit.

"How am I supposed to sleep?" I ask

"You don't look like you sleep anyways sweetie, i'm sure missing a few hours won't hurt" She tells me

"Don't forget what I told you earlier" I spit

"Did I miss something?..." Arisu asks, he was seemingly confused at the obvious hatred between myself and Urumi.

"Not a thing" the devil smiles

Chishiya finally breaks from his statue like demeanour. Staring at me again, his hair much neater than it was an hour ago when he was fucking me into the bed.

A loud ringtone went off pulling me from relapsing into dirty thoughts.

"Sorry it's Usagi" Arisu says trying to hid the pure excitement in his voice. He stands and gets up walking out the back door to the cold february air. I've said it before and i'll say it again, they were so good together. I knew he adored her and vice versa.

"So just the two of us" Urumi said smiling venomously at Chishiya who was still gazing at me much tk her annoyance.

"Stop embarrassing yourself" I snarl shooting her the most grossed out look I can. She opens her trough mouth to respond but is cut off by Chishiya's first words in half an hour.

"Shall we go for a walk"

"What? Right, i think the 9th graders should nearly be done. And then it'll be us after 10th. I don't want to miss it" I ramble

"No i think it should be fine" He begins "I think we should go__now" He enunciates his last word giving me a look I could translate so clearly.

"I'll go with you Chishiya" Urumi volunteers putting her hand over his

"Do you want to die" I ask her. Chishiya grimaced at her hand touching him, before pulling his into his pocket.

"I don't want you to come with me. Uroni" Chishiya drones pronouncing her name wrong, and i truly couldn't tell whether he did on purpose or not. But then again, i've come to learn everything he did was for a reason. Absolutely everything.

"It's actually Ur-"

"Don't correct me Uroni, i know exactly what I said" Chishiya stands up and begins walking to the door outside where Arisu was still on the phone.

"I don't know Uroni, i think he's pretty into you" I tell her sarcastically with the most complacent expression.

"Good luck on your competition" I utter.

"Arisu, for your own personal well-being go back inside" I whisper as I follow Chishiya round the corner.

"Are you two going to have sex again?" He groans

"WHAT?" I hear Usagi screech through the phone

"I'll explain in a sec" He tells her hastily.

"We're not gonna have actual sex, we just have to sort out a problem" I tell him trying to avoid as many details as possible.

"Jesus your like rabbits" He sighs holding his hand to his head and retreating inside, closing the door behind him.

I continue left to where I saw Chishiya disappear, i found him round the corner against the damp but clean brick wall waiting for me with his usual lustrous stare.

"Urumi seems nice" He states

"I hate her" I say getting pissed even talking about her

"What happened before the games room?" He asks me pulling me by the waist against him, his whole body was warm. Except his hands, and face. They were always cold no matter what. What i liked the most right now though, was the very hard thing i pressing into my stomach.

I put my hand into his pants, stroking his cock slowly as i talk.

"Well, she asked me to have a turn with you whilst i was in the middle of talking to Kuina and Usagi" I explain increasing the speed of my hand slightly

"Uh huh" He huffs, breathing hard

"How are you already so hard when we fucked only like an hour ago?" I ask with a grin

"I kept thinking___about you for too long" He says moaning at my touch

"And then i looked at you" He pauses slightly "And i just completely lost it"

I recalled how he spent half an hour staring into space, and then finally looking at me. Only to shortly after bringing me out here. Now it all made sense.

"You got hard just by looking at me?" I question kissing his frozen lips

"Mitchiko, i told you the night we got together how obsessive I am. I hope you don't think I was exaggerating" Chishiya divulged running his icy knuckle down the side of my face as stares in to my eyes.

"No of course not" I lie, i definitely thought he was exaggerating. Not that i minded it, it was definitely hot.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now