chapter 34

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I woke up, Chishiya was missing. The bedsheets were warm, but his absence made me feel frozen.

I showered and dressed, trying to pass time till he came back. I checked on Arisu, and he was pass out with his phone tight in his hand besides him. Most likely, he'd fallen asleep on call, how sweet.

Eventually, i heard the door lock click and I watched as he trailed in, hood up and dreary.

I was sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to say something. He stared at me, behind his cold black eyes i saw nothing. He was so distant, i wondered where he'd been.

"Mitchiko, let me explain everything" Chishiya begins, his voice quiet and somber.

I was surprised, he was so enforcing of the fact he couldn't tell me last night. He was adamant on making sure i never found out whatever it was he was hiding. But now he was openly about to tell me everything, so i held back my snarky comment and listened.


"I need you to promise me you won't hate me after i tell you" He says sitting on the bed, i turn to face him.

"I'd never hate you" I tell him, trying to make him believe me. Because i really meant it, i don't think there was anything he could do that could make me feel even a tinge of hatred for him.

He stares at me, visible obvious suspicion lingering in his eyes. He was skeptical of my words but I hoped one day i could make him believe me.

"Just promise me, please"

"I promise"

He exhales slightly and hesitantly starts talking.

"When I was five my mother got sick, very sick. It was a rare kind of heart disease. It got worse as the years passed. My father could care less, she was head over heels for him but he only cared for her to produce a son. Once she had done that, she might as well not even existed to him.

When i was seven, she was said to have a year left to live. My father suddenly cared, realising he'd have to become a father and take care of me alone. He moved her up on the waiting list for heart donors, a power he could abuse since he owns the hospital. It was estimated from her waiting position she would receive a heart in seven months giving her time to spare.

Things went back to normal for a while. I spent all of my free time at the hospital and made a friend" He explains, i believed i already knew who it was "That friend was Banda, his mom also had heart disease, another rare kind.

She was at the top of the waiting list. She'd been waiting for months and was supposed to receive surgery the next week. Banda and I had known each other at this point for nearly a year and were relatively close.

One day, i came to the hospital after school to find my mom coughing, a lot. I was scared, she could barely breathe and looked awful. Banda's mother looked well and healthy, despite the fact she was supposed to die the month previous. And my own looked on the brink of death even though she had several months to live ahead of her.

I'm selfish, i always have been and i wanted my mother to survive. I had no consideration as to what would happen to Banda's mother.

So i snuck into an office and changed the waiting list order so that my mom would receive the heart.

I hadn't checked if she had the right blood type, i hadn't thought it through at all. So the next day when she got the operation, it killed her. She came out of the surgery, cold and lifeless.

Her body rejected the organ and she was dead. I had wasted the heart on my mother who would have lived long enough to get a matched donor, and doomed Banda's mother who was set to die any second, she was a perfect match. They could've both lived, but i killed them.

After Banda found out what I did, and he hated me ever since."

I couldn't describe how I felt right now, it was all a lot to hear. He explained what he did clearly, but it was still so confusing to me. This was something I didnt know how to handle. Chishiya watched me, waiting for me to say something, for me to have some kind of reaction.

"You didn't kill them Chishiya" I tell him. I take his hands in mine, they were cold and trembling ever so slightly. Shuntaro Chishiya was nervous, he was scared. And i felt absolutely awful that he'd been dealing with this alone for years.

His eyes meet mine.

"It wasn't your fault" I tell him.

"You were only seven, you can't be blamed, please don't blame yourself" I tell him, i try to be as persuading as possible and I could see easily he didn't believe me one bit.

"Banda wants to kill you, to get even with me." He tells me, his voice so broken.

My body feels ice cold, as what he told me set in. I was going to die at the hands of some psychotic rat looking excuse for a man.

"Is he that insane?" I question still in shock

"He has a motive, he'd do anything"

"Well okay, i guess we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there" I reassure him, trying to smile as genuinely as I could to comfort him.

His eyes were apologetic as he continued to stare at me "What if i killed him"

My stomach dropped immediately, my eyes wide and alarmed that he'd even suggest something like that. But i knew he was dead serious, and i knew he was able to do something like that. Those that have seen death firsthand often deal with it better than others.

"No" I contended "We can't do that"

"That's what i'm saying, we wont do anything. I will, it's my fault for putting you in danger in the first place. I was selfish again, i knew i shouldn't have you. I knew that night in the pool that being with you gave me a weakness Banda could you use against me. But your just too... you i couldn't stay away"

"Your saying i'm a weakness?" I say pulling away from him standing to my feet slightly offended.

"Of course not, but he can use you to hurt me" Chishiya explains sliding to the edge of the bed so i'm stood between his legs.

"I understand" I tell him quietly, i wrap my arms around his neck. His arms snaking round my waist as he looks up at me "But you still can't kill him, how would you even do it?..."

Chishiya seems to take joy in this question, cheering him up slightly "Fake suicide"

I wasn't surprised at all.

"Thank you for telling me about everything" I add "Now let's go this is too mushy for me" I continue pulling myself from his touch and putting my shoes on so we could go eat.

I hear his eye roll as he puts his own on "I reveal more about myself to you than i have to anyone and you leave because its too mushy?" He says sarcastically

"I'm hungry!" I defend holding the door open for him

"Your just really weird" He corrects me giving me a wicked grin before strolling past me as we make our way downstairs to eat before the first competition.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now