chapter 29

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Since becoming friends with Kuina, i'd picked up her smoking habit. I was not addicted like she used to be thank god, but i'd been having one every other day. Kuina herself was in the process of quitting once i had started, but she still carried a cigarette between her teeth. A cigarette which i had found myself stealing once or twice.

Now it was only three pm, Chishiya and Arisu were playing cards in Arisu's room. I was invited to join the game, but i decided to go for a smoke instead of admitting i didn't know how to play. I'd learn eventually.

I visited the roof of the hotel again, smiling to my self as i saw the empty cider bottle knocking about the concrete. Arisu had been feeling the effects of that all day, I myself had of course been a little hangover. The downsides wore off by noon luckily for me, a cigarette should help me with the lingering grogginess i'd been feeling. Whether it was hangover related it or not.

I took a single stick of my case and lit it beneath my hand, shielding it from the cold nippy winds. After lighting it, i took a few inhaled and watched the sky leaning over the balcony. There was supposed to be a snowstorm soon, and i could smell the familiar frosty bitterness in the air.

"Mitchiko, I didn't take you for a smoker"

I don't bother to turn around, the voice didn't belong to anyone I respected enough to pay attention to. It appeared to be the same guy from last night, the one that knew my name without asking that was hanging about dying Urumi's party.

"Sorry do I know you?" I ask accusingly, i came off hostile but not rude.

"Not particularly..." He drifts "We have a mutual friend"

The way he pronounced the last word told me this friend wasn't someone he was fond of.

"I could count all of my friends on two hands with fingers to spare, stop being mysterious and tell me who you are and who this friend is" I demand taking another longer drag from the my cigarette

"My name is Banda, i'm an old friend of Chishiya's" He says, the words rolling off his tongue so smoothly.

Immediately, the name clicked. Too much was happening at once, i'd just been told about Banda. Not even an hour ago. One of Chishiya's dorm victims. Something was off about this guy, i knew it. He felt dangerous.

I couldn't prove it yet, but he gave off very very cold energy. I usually hate using the term but i couldn't think of anything else to describe it. I didn't want to him to know I knew what my idiotic boyfriend had done to him. Thinking about it now, that was the first time i'd referred to Chishiya as such. It felt weird but oddly right.

"Oh yeah i know Chishiya" I say playing dumb. Let me be clear, i was playing dumb but not stupid. I knew this guy wasn't an imbecile, if i acted completely callous and absent minded he'd know i knew immediately.

"I think you know a lot about him dont you Mitchiko?" Banda states, his voice was calm but it had a chaotic undertone.

"I know a reasonable amount I suppose, i go to school with him and we're in some of the same classes but that's it really" I lie "And how the hell do you know my name? I never told you it"

Banda smiles at me, it was unsettling as hell and made me want to either throw myself of this roof or run far far far away from him. He looked like he hated women, that was the best way i could put it.

"I know everything i need to know Miss Yoshida." He tells me "But about your name, your friend Urumi has a very loud mouth"

The words Urumi and friend did not
belong in the same sentence.

The rain starts, it's not hard at all. Only light pattering, light enough for me to withstand and light enough for it to take ages to colour in the floor with water.

Banda was starting to freak me out, and i really thought i should run away or something. Just get away from him at any cost. But i knew by doing so, i would only be confirming the suspicions he had over me.

"There not much too know about me Banda. I'm more interested in you" I say which catches his attention, he comes to lean on the balcony eerily close to me. Close enough for our sleeves to touch.

"I know about your relationship with Chishiya, you don't need to try and distract this conversation. I have no patience for off track talk" Banda had become bitter in a second, it was no longer an undertone or something he was trying to hide. This was scary, his voice was scary, he was scary. I felt like he'd throw me over he balcony any second now. The best thing to do in this situation was to tell the truth.

"Okay, but what is it to you?" I ask him putting my cigarette out on the bricks and stepping away from him subtly. I wasn't a fan of the close proximity we were in.

"What it is to me, is that you hold power over someone who has power over everybody. That in turn makes you more powerful does it not? I want some of that power" He explains to me. As menacing and spiteful as he sounded i couldn't help but wonder whether what I'd been told about Banda wasn't the whole story. No one could be this angry over school pranks.

"So what do you want from me, i have things to do" No i didn't.

"No you don't" He starts catching my blatant lie "I need you to do as I say, that way i won't need to hurt anyone"

By this point i'd burst out laughing at him "Banda, you couldn't fight a child. Look at you"

This obviously was not what he wanted to hear, he reaches his hand into his trouser pocket and pulls out a large razor blade.

"What the hell is wrong with you why do you have a six inch blade in your pocket. Are you crazy?!" I exclaim marvelling at the thing.

He pushes another cheap smile "Seven inch" He corrects "Chishiya didn't hate me for nothing Mitchiko. I'm sure it won't be long before you feel the same. I trust you know about what happened between us"

"Sure" I answer dully "What do you want me to do then"

"Really? So easily? I thought i'd have to cut you up a bit first" Banda says obviously shocked by willing loyalty to him.

"When a bank is robbed, the employees are trained not to resist. But to help the robbery, because their lives are more valuable than money. Why would i refuse to help you in your silly shenanigans and get 'cut up' when i could just help you and walk away scratch free." I explain nonchalantly

"Okay" He says "Well what you to do first is not tell Chishiya i'm here okay?"

"No problem"

"Good. Now for your real task, i want you to lure your boyfriend into the alley over there tonight. At 3am, i don't care how you have to do it but if you aren't there i'll go after the ones u care about the most"

"Will you hurt him" I ask getting serious about this whole stupid thing

Banda laughs and shakes his head "Not tonight, i simply want to talk"

"You promise?"

"I never lie Miss Yoshida"


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