chapter 7

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"Mitchiko where'd you go last night?" Kuina asks me we were doing laps round the field at 6am.

She had convinced me to get up with her on a Saturday morning, to do laps of the field. Chishiya like any normal person on a Saturday was probably still asleep.

"Oh right I just went to the library to study" I explain to her

"Okay, so where did Chishiya come in?" She asks with a sly teasing smile

How did she know and what did she know? I didn't want her to think something happened when nothing happened.

"Well he kicked me out of the library, and then we went back to the dorm" I tell her leaving out a few major details

"Oh yeah? That's it? Nothing else?..." She asks, i can tell by her voice she doesn't believe me. Question was, how did she know?

"Nothing else" I lie

"That's not what Chishiya said" She sings 

"What?" I gasp grabbing Kuina and pulling her back with me "What did he say?" 

Kuina bursts out laughing "He said nothing, but I knew something was off with him" 

I'd given myself away, why the fuck did I react like that.

"Cmon let's get changed" She smiles

"This morning, he was acting weird" Kuina begins, we'd showered and were currently getting dressed. We had lunch next thank god. "He'd texted me yesterday asking where you were, at 10:30" 

I buttoned my shirt up trying to formulate some kind of answers for the inevitable questioning I could feel coming.

"Really?" I ask acting clueless

"And then it got to about midnight and I snuck out to your dorm to check you were okay, and you guys weren't there. But on my way back, I saw you skipping down the hallway" Kuina explains "Wearing a certain familiar white jacket"

My stomach drops, I don't know how to explain that. Truth was, that jacket was still folded up under my duvet. I didn't give it back, and he never asked for it back.

This morning, I watched as he opened his closet and pulled out a jacket, identical to the one i stole off him. He had a whole rack of them, at least 12.

"Oh right yeah, the thing was, I just fell asleep in the library. Chishiya woke me up and we went back to the dorm. He had let me borrow his jacket because i was a bit cold. But thats it, nothing else" I keep lying. I really hate lying to Kuina, I just didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

"Do you like him?" She asks me

Fucking he'll how did we get to that conclusion this was only my third day how had i already convinced someone i had a crush. After 3 days.

"No of course not, I barely know him" I tell her

"Okay, but i have to warn you. Chishiya isn't a normal person to have a relationship with. I've been friends with him for years, as much I love him he's a dick" Kuina tells me as we leave the changing rooms and back to her dorm.

"Okay, thank you for telling me that but you don't need to worry or anything. I do not like him like that at all" I say

She hums lowly and we continue to talk about a non Chishiya related matter.

Kuina explained to me that we were allowed to leave the academy on weekends, but we had to be back by curfew. I truly did not understand the point of the curfew, it was not enforced whatsoever, so basically it wasn't real.

"Tonight we're gonna sneak out, you coming?" Kuina asks me as we head up the elevator

"Who's we?" I ask apprehensively, I barely knew anyone here still. I should probably socialise a bit more, i mean i'd been here 3 days and still only had 2 friends. 

"Myself, Chishiya, Usagi, Arisu, Karube, Chota, Heiya might come" she says naming everyone on her fingers

"Where would we go?" I recognised all of the names, they were all in our class. I hadn't spoken to any of them properly yet, even really introduced myself properly. I'd been pretty quiet in my classes with them, lying low to avoid unwanted conversation.

"The Beach, it's a club about a 15 minute drive from here" she tells me.

"I've never been a to a club before is it fun?" I ask

"Fuck yes it is, come on i'll introduce you to my roommate" 

Kuina opens her dorm door and pulls me inside. The room smelt like sandalwood and was very dark, they had blackout curtains and purple led's.

There were two beds, one was made neatly, the other had a person shaped lump under the sheets.

"Usagi, wake up" Kuina says pulling the covers off the girl

"Kuina you have to stop waking people up this early, it's 7:15" I laugh sitting on Kuinas bed

I hear Usagi groan loudly as she sits up in her bed, she rubs her eyes and gives Kuina a dirty look before introducing herself.

"Hey do you must be Mitchiko right?" 

"Yeah i am, sorry Kuina woke you up" 

"Don't worry about it, she does this often" Usagi sighs

"Go shower Usagi" Kuina says playfully

Usagi rolls her eyes with a smile and grabs her towel before locking herself in their bathroom.

"You now have 3 friends" Kuina tells me "She likes you i can tell"

I feel good knowing that i'd finally made a new friend.

"Right anyways, back to tonight" I say moving on

"Yes of course, come to my dorm at like 9:30 so we can get ready together and hang out a bit okay" Kuina tells me excitedly 


"And then at 11 i'll have the rest come here and we can all leave together" She continues "Karube is gonna order a taxi for us all. Wait i completely forgot, I need to see your clothes right now"

We were in my dorm in about 3 minutes, Chishiya was doing school work in the corner. His hair was wet from showering and clung to his face in parts. He had decided to just not wear a shirt just joggers, which Kuina seemed pretty unfazed by.

His whole get up was killing me, it was doing things to me i'd never felt before.

Kuina rips my closet open and starts rifling through my clothes.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now