chapter 4

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Obviously i wasn't going to bed at 6:30pm I'm not 12 years old.

I'd managed to find my way to the library after asking multiple students for directions, in the end Arisu (a boy in my class) had to take me there.

The library was gorgeous and huge, decadent shelves with thousands of books waiting for me to study and absorb them. The room smelled like new books, it was my favourite smell in the world. Dark oak shelves, low lighting, and it was perfectly silent.

 I just had to find a place to set up for the night, it was luckily a friday so I had all weekend to get this load done.

After walking through the maze of shelves, I settled on a little couch in the far back corner on the third floor and sat cross legged. I doubt i'd be bothered by any wondering students in here, so obviously I got to work immediately.

I began with my Japanese essay on a play of an unimportant title. To say i put my heart into that essay would be an understatement, it took me just over an hour. My fingers were sore from the amount of furious typing I'd done.

I had a paper cut from flicking the pages to fast and I was already feeling a little tired. But the essay was perfect, in my eyes it was glowing and God himself tried to reach down to steal it from me. 

I realised the silence was getting kind of annoying, and the rain pattering outside was putting me in a certain mood. Immediately, i pulled my headphones out the bag i'd brought with all my stuff from my dorm and slipped them over my head. I found my rainy mood playlist and pressed shuffle, feeling 10x more productive instantaneously.

At this rate i could get 2-3 possibly 4 pieces of work done before it was a sensible idea to go back to my dorm.

Time passed quick as I moved on to my English work, i'd been given an image of a flower garden to write about in English.

There was no word minimum, but I decided to write as much as I could. Ending up with about 400 words give or take. Definitely more than enough, after checking my spellings and grammar a few more times  I decided that was more than enough.

By which point i decided to go downstairs to get some books, I needed some help for my science. My work required a certain textbook which I had absent mindedly left in the dorm.

There were only 2 or 3 students left in the library and the librarian behind the desk reading. I made sure to be extremely quiet on the steps ensuring i didn't disturb anyone. I quickly found what I needed and returned to my spot.

For science I had a list of topics to cover in a presentation and a very long work booklet. I decided to begin with the booklet, using my drive to beat Chishiya to increase my production and efficiency.

What I wouldn't do to see that stupid smug look wiped off his face when he sees me win the bet. Something about that boy pissed me off in a way i'd never experienced before. 

My eyes felt so tired from all of this. 

I'd had some mild academic rivalry at my old school, but in a lighthearted joking manner. This was different, I had this unnatural desire to knock him off number 1.

I barely have a shit about the position anymore, I just wanted to do better than him. Which thinking about it now sounds kind of narcissistic.

Have to fight fire with fire i suppose.

An abrupt feeling of being watched devoured me and woke me up. I'd fallen asleep in the library, just perfect.

But of course it just had to be my favourite person here to wake me up.

He was stood watching me leaning against the bookshelf in front of me, he wasn't wearing his school uniform anymore. He adorned a plan white tee and black joggers, if he didn't piss me off so much I'd say he looked hot.

I'd been here for only 2 days but no one had ever gotten on my nerves as much as he had by barely doing anything.

His hair tied in a ponytail that surprisingly suited him, his arms crossed as he looked down on me.

I sat there looking like a trout, my headphones still covering my ears, all I could do was stare back. Give me a break I'd just woken up.

He walked towards me and bent over taking my headphones off my head. His face an inch from mine, his eyes eating away at my own.

"You're in my spot" Chishiya tells me impatiently, dumping my headphones on the floor beside me.

The fucking nerve of this guy.

"Your spot? Are you serious? What time even is it?" I ask noticing my laptop had powered down.

"It's 11 you've been here for four hours Mitchiko" Chishiya tells me his voice flat "And as I said your in my spot" 

I laugh and stand up to face him equally, I didn't like him being able to literally look down on me very literally.

"You can't claim a spot in a public library" I say my voice spiteful and agitated, i was tired. When i was tired i got pissed really easy.

He'd also woken me up with his creepy staring.

It was his turn to laugh, he tilts his head to the side and says "Yes I can" 

"Well I'm not moving" I spit

"You aren't even sat down anymore" He states cooly and I almost combust.

"Cause you woke me up" I say, trying my best to remain calm but couldn't hide the anger and annoyance in my tone.

"I didn't wake you up" 

"Yes you did" i correct him "You were staring at me like a murderer, it woke me up" 

"Okay" He says with his typical condescending smile "Just pack your things up. Let's go" 

I'm completely shocked, maybe because i woke up 2 seconds ago. Or maybe he was just so annoying. Why is he telling me what do all of a sudden? I'm too tired to keep arguing.


We walk out the library obviously I'd made him carry my bag as payment for waking me up. Which he still couldn't accept responsibility for, but had done it anyways. Maybe he wasn't as awful as I thought.

We go through the usual twists and turns of the school in silence, i watch his walk. He had a weird walk, he took long strides his movements slow but he was walking faster than me. It was satisfying to watch I wasn't gonna lie. It was as if he planned every step.

"How exactly did I 'stare like a murderer' Mitchiko?" Chishiya asks me pressing the button on the wall.

"Your eyes are just creepy man I don't know what to tell you" I shrug stepping into the elevator

He walks in, intrigue spread over his face "My eyes are creepy? Huh"

"Well yeah you always look like you're trying to kill me. I've been here 2 days, you gotta do something about that" I tell him

"Maybe I am" He says, i still couldn't see his face, his stupid white hood covered it completely. 

"Maybe you are what?" I ask apprehensively, the elevator was making some weird noises. And it was starting to freak me out a little bit.

"Trying to kill you" He turns his head to face me and gives me the fakest smile I've seen in my life. As fast it came he dropped it and gave me his usual flat Chishiya stare.

The elevator came to a violent halt.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now