chapter 40

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"How do you know him?.." I ask taking an assumption based off the knowing friendly glances and gestures Mr Shirabi made toward Chishiya throughout our brief conversation.

"He offered me a scholarship a couple years ago" He explains quickly before switching the topic "What was he talking about, when he said he'd seen the other things in your file..?"

I could hear in his tone and see in his eyes the concern and worry he felt. I didn't want him to make a drastic guess and worry himself to death so I should fabricate some kind of made up explanation.

"Oh nothing important" I dismiss "Just had mild anxiety when i was a lot younger"

I was convincing but it was impossible to lie to him, I should know that by now.

"Your lying to me" He accuses refusing to meet my eye, instead takes my coke and take a long drink before placing it back in my hand.

"I'm not! I'm being honest, I don't know why you think your right all the time about everything" I huff, keeping my tone light and not harsh.

"Because I am Mitchiko" He tells me, i look at him expecting his usual smug grin that I claim to hate but see distant hurt eyes staring into mine. Lying to him was wrong, I knew it was, but i just couldn't tell him the truth. I couldn't tell anyone.

The academy knowing was enough for me to handle, but aside from them my mom was the only one who knew. He doesn't count. I'd like to keep it as a secret I'd take to my grave.

"Well not this time" I sigh before leading him further down the snack table. His hand felt limp in my own, he didn't even want to touch me.

"Just tell me what's wrong Mitchiko, if you don't tell me I'll find out myself" He says suddenly gripping my hand hard, stopping me from trying to distract us with various foods and drinks.

I turn to face him, his hurt expression killing me as I internally fought myself to keep silent. I kept my lips shut firmly and shook my head.

"What could be so terrible you can't tell me?" Chishiya asks quietly, i was amazed him I could hear him so clearly over the ever growing drone of the guests.

"I just can't" I explain holding both his hands in my own "I'm sorry"

"You can't or you don't want to?" He asks

I see Urumi appear out of nowhere, nowhere near us thank god. She was across the room, right under a light chatting up a storm with Banda.

"Look" I nod in their direction, thankful i'd found a distraction. I take a mini cupcake from the table and place it in Chishiya's hand.

"They've been talking since we got here" He explains before munching on the cupcake "They're talking about us" He adds

I wondered how he knew before looking at them properly myself, every so often, one of the pair would not so discreetly glance over at us before continuing there intense discussion. I had a feeling Urumi knew more than she let on.

"Should we talk to them?" I ask

Chishiya doesn't respond.

"It seems they had the same idea" He tells me exasperated

I look to my left and sure enough the two were wading through the crowd coming in our direction.

"What was in your file Mitchiko?" he asks one final time, his voice quick.

"Please just drop it" I beg as they come closer and closer

"I dont want to" He tells me.

"Chishiya you look amazing" Urumi grins reaching to touch his lapel

He quickly shifts out the way in disgust, her hand reclining to her side. Banda stared me down, his expression cold and cunning. I had an odd but rational feeling he was planning something terrible. 

"Banda, shall we go for a walk" I say, not waiting for an answer but dragging him away with  firm grip to his forearm. Leaving Chishiya with Urumi.

I take us to the middle of the left side of the room, making the decision not to go anywhere quieter so he could discreetly murder me.

"You look lovely in that dress Mithchiko" He tells me, the false smile creeps back on his face.

I look back at Chishiya, Urumi was talking enough for the both of them. But he seemed to be engaging every so often which was new.

"Thank you" I say out of politeness but not kindly "What are you planning?"

"God, is hatred all we can talk about" He huffs "Why don't we just enjoy ourselves?"

I snort "How could I enjoy myself when i'm stood inches away from a blatant psychopath" 

He grins "You think i'm a psychopath?" 

"Either that or a stupid little boy with no ability to think forward"

He hissed and rolled his eyes before regaining his composure "I've recently come into contact with someone you might know Mitchiko"

I didn't know many people so i couldn't lie I was interested.


"Mr Ayato Yoshida" 

The words rolled off his tongue smoothly as I felt my world collapse. My heart felt like it would crumple and implode any second now, my blood pumping loud enough for me to hear it. I felt nauseous and violently ill. 

I look around, not even registering Banda's constant presence in front of me. The lights of the chandelier and the blurred colours of the guests and their glamorous attires and smudging into one continuous haze.

I feel lightheaded and begin walking slowly away from him, trying to figure out where the nearest exit was. My walk swiftly changes into a hasty walk and finally into a near run. My heels clacking with my every step.

I make my way out into the cold crisp night air, i don't know how long i ran for. But it was a while, i was far from the hotel. I'd ended up in some kind of field by a river, the loud gushing sounds of covering every slight sound i made. The only light around, was the pearlescent white of the full moon above me.

I screamed, my anguish releasing in a single explusion of noise. My throat hoarse and dry by the time i'd stopped. Tears soaked my cheeks, my bodily quivering and cold. 

I stood at the edge of the river silently, my mind blank and my insides numb.

I felt an icy hand rest on my shoulder, my body tenses up as I fear the worst my breath caught in my lungs. If they pushed me I'd absolutely die. The river was violent and the currents deadly, not even to mention the sharp rocks i could see beneath the glass water.

Slowly, i turn my head to find only Chishiya. I exhale loudly as he pulls me into a tight hug. I'd never seen such a scared expression on him, he looked terrified.

I start sobbing relentlessly into his shoulder, my tears likely staining his suit.

"What's going on?" He asks me quietly as we pull away from each other after my sobs turned to those annoying hiccups you get after crying for so long.

And then the pit in my stomach settled again, the realisation and shame set in once I realised i would have to tell Chishiya everything.

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