chapter 26

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"Let's get drunk" I tell Arisu and Chishiya as I present my tote bag of alcohol.

"Where'd you even get that much liquor?" Arisu asks me taking a bottle and handing it Chishiya who opens it for him with ease using his teeth. How he did so I had no clue, i tried it once and it hurt so badly i've never done it since.

I was a bottle opener fan for life.

"I stole it from Urumi's party" I explain taking a bottle out for myself "I figure it's penance for stealing my room"

Chishiya watches me struggle to open it for a bit, i tried everything. My teeth, my hand, even my wrist.

"Stop before you hurt yourself" Chishiya lectures taking the bottle from my hand and opening it instantly like he did with Arisu's.

"I had it" I fend before taking a long sip

Chishiya hadn't asked for his jacket back yet, but i felt it was time to give it back. I already stole two of them. Even though i had taken a peek in his closet at the Academy, he actually had over a dozen of them just lined up.

"Where are we gonna drink these then?" I ask picking my bag up

"Let's go to the supermarket, we can get food too. The food here looked overcomplicated so we didn't bother getting anything" Arisu explains to me.

I was quite hungry. And i loved night walks, seemed like a good idea to me.

"Okay, but we should wear warm stuff. It's like really really cold outside" I say, we were already in their mini apartment. Arisu agreed with me and rushed into his room to find appropriate layers.

"You can't just wear a shirt Chishiya, it's February" I tell him dragging him along with me into his room to rummage through the clothes cause it was clear he had no concern about getting a cold.

"I'm more worried about you, the jacket isn't warm enough" He tells me.

"You wear it outside all the time" I remind him "You don't get colds"

"When your ill it's gonna be up to me to look after you isn't it" He elaborated "And i will say I told you so"

"If you get sick i'll cough on you so we can be sick together" I tell him with a loving smile

"How romantic" He exclaims monotonously holding his hand to where his heart's supposed to be

"Shut up" I laugh pulling out a white knitted jumper that was a bit big for me but i'd wear it anyways.

I shrug off the jacket and fold it neatly before placing it in Chishiya's hands.

Arisu reentered the room finally not wearing shorts and was dressed for an actual winter environment.

I learnt that Chishiya and Arisu were fast walkers, very fast walker. Which was not great for me, i didn't walk fast but these two were just on a different level.

"Can you guys slow down" I ask after accepting I simply couldn't keep up

"Just walk faster" Arisu tells me "It's gonna rain soon, we should hurry"

"Oh wow why didn't i think about that" I say sarcastically

"Do you want me to carry you?" Chishiya offers clearly getting tired of my slow demeanour.

"Yes!" I nearly shout "One hundred percent yes" I was very excited to not have to walk to say the least.

Chishiya bends slightly allowing me to jump onto his back with ease, his hands resting under my thighs keeping me up. Arisu very happily took the bag of alcohol off me so I could rebraid Chishiya's hair section. It'd become a bit of a routine at the point, anytime i had an opportunity i would braid the same small section in his. Like that guy from how to train your dragon, just cause it looked cute on him.

I continued sipping on my second bottle of beer as I watched cars pass us by. Arisu was on his second as well, Chishiya on his third. You'd never be able to tell, i'd never seen alcohol affect him. Even though i'd only seen him drink once, even then it seemed to have zero affect on him.

We came to the supermarket entrance, the bright lights blinding me as we entered. It smelt so clean in here, I loved it. The employees were definitely judging us as we went round. I didn't blame them, I was sat in a shopping cart, and we had a bag filled very clearly with alcohol. It was very clear because of all three of us were drinking. It was also night time, that's when all the weirdos go to the supermarket.

"We have to get cinnamon buns" I demand grabbing them off the shelf as Chishiya steered us down the bakery isle. I throw them into the cart.

"Who's paying for this?" Chishiya asks me unseriously

"You are obviously" I turn my head and bring his lips to mine noticing how he tasted like alcohol "Your dad owns a hospital and i'm a gold digger"

"Of course" He says kissing me again with a cute little smile before throwing a packet of biscuits and vanilla wafer rolls into the cart.

"You really like sweets don't you?" I observe picking up the wafers and reading the packet

"You don't?" He asks as we watch Arisu return with an arm full of instant ramens.

"Of course I do" I say as Arisu unloads everything into the cart. "But you really like them. It's like all you eat"

"Kuina says it's because i'm trying to make up for having such a sour personality" He tells me staring into the isles of stuff

"I can believe that" I tell him handing him two beers for myself and him. Obviously i needed him to open them. I had to find out how he opened them so smoothly and quickly, he made it look so easy.

"Do we need anything else?" Arisu questions looking around before deciding that we "need" a 2 litre bottle of apple cider.

"Why do we need that" I ask holding up the bottle to look at it properly

"Because we do" Arisu enforces

"Can't argue with that" Chishiya states pulling up to pay.

We stole the cart. Or maybe it wasn't stealing since our Yen was currently inside the cart. So maybe it wasn't stealing, we were just renting it permanently without plans to ever give it back. Chishiya had drank five beers and i still saw no effects.

So as we made our way back to the hotel i made it my persona effort to finish five to try and see how i was compared with him. It was as if he was just immune to alcohol it was crazy. I'd only drank three, he drank them a lot faster than us. Arisu had stopped with the beer immediately after we left the store and cracked open the two litres of cider he'd made Chishiya buy.

He chugged a load before dumping the bottle with me. I tried a bit but ultimately opted out, it tasted very strong. Especially for a cider, i read the alcohol percentage on the back and saw it was crazy high. Much higher than the beer. If he kept up drinking he'd end up black out drunk by the end of the night

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now