chapter 33

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Chishiya's pov

I woke up at six am, long before Mitchiko would. I wanted this to be sorted and over for good. And i wanted her as far away from it as possible, I knew Banda wouldn't kill her, he wouldn't kill anyone. Not yet at least, i'd give it a few more years till he fully snapped.

And it'd be my fault once he did.

I couldn't bear to tell her the truth, the truth on why Banda hated me so much. She would loathe me, i knew she would. She'd see me as selfish and cruel, which could be true but I wanted her to believe I wasn't. She was the only one that understood me, that could tolerate me despite everything.

I'd barely slept, 2 hours at most. It was hard to sleep, i tried to hold her why she slept but she kept pushing me away. I knew keeping things from her wasn't considerate of her own feelings, and i know that this whole situation must be making her feel anxious. But this was unavoidable.

I'd texted Banda on the number i had off him when i shared a dorm room with him first thing when i woke up, asking to meet. He responded almost instantly, 'roof at 7' was all he said.

Ensuring i made as little noise as possible, I snuck out of the room without waking Mitchiko and made my way to the roof.

Banda of course was good waiting for me, his eyes full of resentment. But i was surprised he seemed so well after i electrocuted him then left him unconscious in a dark alley.

"Chishiya" He says, the sun was rising illuminating the white snow with an deep orange tint. The sky was horrendously cloudy, as you'd expect in the middle of a snow storm.

"Banda, what do you want?" I begin my "What do I have to do for this to be settled?"

Banda smiles at me sitting irresponsibly on the thin balcony of the roof.

"What do you have to do?" He laughs "For all of this to be settled? Since when do you care about this thing between us?"

He was dragging it out to piss me off. And it was working.

"Since you involved her" I spit

Banda swings his legs back and forth with a mischievous grin plastered to his face. The most evil glint in his eyes, taking joy in knowing he'd found a way to hurt me.

"How eventful! Shuntaro Chishiya finally cares about someone other than himself!" He exclaims to the world shouting much louder than he need to before rendering it back to his usual speaking voice "How touching"

"Stop wasting time"

"You're right you're right. I still want you to throw the game Chishiya, just because you electrocuted me, does not mean i've been bested"


"It's fun to watch you lose"

"Be serious Banda. I've apologised to you already, what more do you want? What more can I give?" I ask demandingly

"I want you to suffer, up until now I had given up on my plot. After you tortured me out of Borderland i realised there was nothing I could do to make you feel anywhere near to what I felt" He begins finally getting serious "But i heard news from an old friend that you got a new toy"

Must be Niragi, he was Banda's only friend, and had a mouth bigger than Russia.

"Now I knew she couldn't be just a toy considering i know you feel nothing, for anyone" That wasn't entirely true, i did enjoy Kuina's company to an extent. And from time to time find myself doing something, out of character. But aside from that I suppose he was correct.

"So I did some research, found out you'd be going to a club owned by that idiot Karube's family. And do you know what I did Chishiya?" He asks, and it clicked suddenly. It hit me bluntly and I felt completely stupid.

"I got a friend of a friend to slip some ketamine into her drink" He says leaning forward to taunt me.

I felt irate, like i could push him off this building right now.

"For what?" I sneer

"I wanted to kill her" He laughs "But i knew it was too early in my life for such a crime. So i planned to just cut her up a bit, a lot. And then kill her in a few years"

A feeling i'd never felt before ran through me. It was pure hatred, i'd never felt so destroyed in my life. I was angry at myself for letting all of this happen, it all started with me.

"Why? Why not just kill me" I ask trying to remain calm, but the thought of her lying cold in my arms made me feel horrendously i'll.

"Why should you get the easy way out? You killed someone I loved, so now I shall show you the same divine treatment, and watch you suffer" Banda says, his light tone gone completely replaced by this hardened furious voice.

"Your not the only one who felt pain that day Banda" I remind him "All these years you've acted as if I didn't lose someone too"

It hurt to think about, even talking about it made me writhe.

"I don't give a shit Chishiya, you took my mother away from me with your selfishness. So Mitchiko will meet the same fate as our kin" Banda tells me "I'll tell her what you did, she'll hate you, loathe you. And then i'll have my turn with her"

I felt sick, so very sick.

"You wont touch her" I threaten

"We'll see about that won't we" He smiles sliding off the balcony and walking away from me, leaving me here alone.

And it dawned on me, I had to tell her. Her knowing what she was in for was the only way to keep her safe. Because at the end of it all I knew as hard as I tried, i alone could not save her. She could protect herself, i just had to let her. Banda was relentless and driven. There was no way i could help her when she was in the dark.

I would tell right now before it was too late.

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