chapter 18

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As we approached the neurology ward, i finished off the iced latte Chishiya had bought for me. I was happy to say the aftertaste of his cum was completely gone, not that I minded it to be honest. And then i remembered who worked here.

"Chishiya, i'm warning you right now, if we happen to see my mom don't mention anything about us sharing a dorm" I tell him trying to sound as forcible and serious as possible

"Okay" He tells me sounding a little to calm about it, like he hadn't really taken my words in

"If you even hint to her about anything non school related i will plant razors in your food. I know how to do it don't think I won't" I say aiming to sound as threatening and meaningful as possible.


"Oh shit, you idiot" I realise, as quickly as I can i pull my concealer out of my bag and try my best to quickly cover up the hickey i'd very stupidly left in the middle of his throat. If his father saw it i'd die immediately.

We come to the end of the hallway where his fathers office was. Chishiya knocks twice before simply letting himself in, I will admit, I was hesitant to follow. From what I remember his father was scary as hell, that was pretty much all I remembered about him.

"Father" Chishiya greets coldly before sitting in the couch opposite his desk.

"Chishiya" He greets back equally as icy

"Mr Shuntaro, thank you for agreeing to help us" I praise sitting on the couch as far from Chishiya as I could.

The man switched up entirely, "Your very welcome Miss..."

"Yoshida Mitchiko" I tell him

"Yoshida? Do you happen to be the daughter of Doctor Yoshida?" He asks me

"Yeah I am" I laugh politely

"You look just like her, very beautiful" He says smiling warmly at me, but I knew it wasn't genuine. I could see it in his eyes, his whole face even. His smile was unnatural, forced. The kind of smile you learn when you lie often, or if you're a kiss ass.

"Thank you sir" I fake gush trying to accept the compliment as calmly as possible. I wasn't going lie, the man was making me very very nervous. I wasn't scared yet like I was all those years ago, but i was uncomfortable and unsettled. Which in some cases can be worse.

"We need 3 bags of every blood type" Chishiya states monotonously obviously wanting to leave just as much as I did.

"Yes of course, that won't be a problem to sort out. Now that your hear we can discuss academics" Mr Shuntaro says.

I watch Chishiya stiffen slightly and he looked ready to jump out the window into the oncoming traffic very far below us.

"Tell me Miss Yoshida, is my son diligent in class, well focused? I'm depending on you to tell me the truth" He says giving his son another look

I was stunned he was asking me and realised I could completely fuck Chishiya over right now. But i'm not evil of course so i'd try to help him out.

"Well, he's ranked number 1 so i would say that's quite an achievement, very focused in our classes, always puts in 100% effort" I spurt trying to put him in a good light. But i can tell one word i said caught him off guard.

"'our' classes? Are you in my sons set lessons?" He asks me leaning forward on his desk immediately intrigued.

"Yes i am sir" I answer quickly

"And what rank you do take up at the academy Miss Yoshida?"

"Number 2 sir"

And there it was, I caught it. As soon as the number left my lips, Mr Shuntaro glanced at Chishiya briefly. The coldest, most disgusted and disappointed look on his face. He eyes were venomous even more so than Chishiya's somehow. I'm going to be honest he was a very very attractive man, i felt weird for even thinking it. But it was true, i could definitely see where Chishiya got it from.

But back to my point, i could now understand why Chishiya was so dead set on remaining number one. Why he was so threatened when i became number two in a matter of days, when others had worked on their ranks for years. His father was obviously not the type to allow second best, it was clear to me now the sheer level of his strictness. It was no wonder he loathed the man, he'd likely been pressuring him his entire life, never accepting anything but his son being the best.

There was a thick silence in the room, Chishiya and his father saying nothing to the other but it was clear there was a problem here.

The door clicks and I hear the familiar clacking of heels enter the room. I turn my head to see who it was. And who it was, was my excuse to leave.

"Mom!" I exclaim jumping up and dragging her out of the small room with me making sure the door closes behind me.

"Mitchiko? What are you doing here?" She smiles holding me away to look at me

"Me and my science partner came to get blood for our project" I explain

"You should have told me you were coming silly" She laughs

"I didn't even know till an hour ago" I defend

"Alright alright, well who's your partner?" My mom asks me peeking through the glass on the door to see.

I pull her away "Shuntaro Chishiya, i think you've met him"

Her eyes light up with recognition "Oh yes i do know him, lovely boy"

"Yeah..." I say feeling awkward already. Shouting had begun almost immediately after I left the room, i'd never heard Chishiya raise his voice before. It was very back forth, but i couldn't make out what either was saying it was muffled.

"He's very strict with school" My mom sighs "Put the poor boy under a lot of pressure, too many expectations i think"

I agree with her but keep trying to listen to what's going on.

"He's cute though isn't he? You like him?" She teases me like a schoolgirl poking my stomach

Luckily for me i was saved from answering when the door opened, Mr Shuntaro stepping out first. Chishiya behind him with a calm expression as usual, but it was slightly different. I could see how much he loathed his father from the way he stared at him. It was close to pure hatred.

"Come with me I'll get the blood for you now" He tells us smiling at me with small eyes.

I couldn't stand him, as much as he creeped me out, he pissed me off just as much.

We follow him a short while down the corridor till he stop and disappears into the a room. Returning momentarily with a medium sized box in hand. He open the lid for us to see, it was full of ice and a lot of blood. Mr Shuntaro dumps it in Chishiya's arms thank gosh. I'm not carrying that, no way in hell.

"Thank you so much for all your help sir" I say with an exceeding level of false politeness and joy

"You're very welcome, anytime you need anything else just let me know okay" He tells me talking me on the head like a child. I wanted to spit in his face for touching me. Something about him just made me mad as hell. Aside from the fact he was the fakest person i'd ever seen.

From the way my mom spoke about him, she made him seem like a god.

All I wanted to do now was just get back to the academy.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now