Chapter 38

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As we sit i notice how unhappy he seems, mad even.

"You okay?" I ask after we ordered.

"I'm great" He says, i honestly couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic. Usually i could distinguish between his sarcasm and his sincerity. But now it was a hit hard. I decide to be sure and assume something was bothering him.

"No you're not, what's up?" I ask him taking one of his freezing hands between my own trying to warm it up as much i could.

His eyes, previously on the outside world through the glass, shift to me, softening slightly.

"Banda's threats are bothering me" He confides exhaling "He could jump out at any moment and cut you up with his razor blade. He's stupid enough to do something so idiotic. I hate stupid people"

"Don't worry about him, we'll be rid of him forever after today" I say before blowing my warm breath onto his chilling fingertips. Still trying to warm them up.

"That's what i thought all those years ago. We might get rid of him for a few weeks, months, even years but he will always come back." Chishiya explains darkly

"Well we'll deal with that then. Forget about him right now, you're with me." I lean across the table and kiss his cheek

I see him smile slightly, trying to hid it in the cutest way.

"So, i believe I still owe you one don't I?" I ask switching the topic "For the bet that i lost" The last two words felt like poison on my lips.

Chishiya grins resting his head on his free hand and leaning forward. His other hand still in mine as I became frustrated, unsure of why no matter what I tried i couldn't warm his hand up.

"I believe you do" He agrees

"So what do you want?" I ask leaning forward to ditto his previous motion.

He thinks it over, obviously wicked thoughts passing through his kind, telling by the sex crazy teenager smirk currently on his face.

"That's hard" Chishiya complains "When we made the bet, i knew what i would ask for. But now, things are different. I don't want to waste my favour on something you'd do for me anyways"

I nod in agreement, not actually understanding what he meant. He was so vague, whatever he said could mean so many things.

"Well there's got to be something you want that I can do" I huff

He thinks, and thinks, and thinks.

"No, i really can't decide." He tells me. By now the waiter has come with our coffees and the pizza we ordered to share.

Immediately i start eating, i was so ravenous and felt so comfortable to eat in front of him. Usually, i felt weird eating in front of people which was something i should just overcome, but he always just made me feel so calm.

The pizza of course was amazing, the coffee too. Small cafes were always better than large corporations, they cared more about what they served and it showed.

"I changed my mind" Chishiya announces after a few minutes of comfortable silent eating

"About what?" I ask taking another bite

"I know what I want" He begins "I want to meet your mom"

I drop the pizza in my plate, "What?? But you've met her already!"

He smiles a small smile "Not properly"

I felt very fearful at this moment, i knew my mom would probably love him. She doesn't know we're dating, but she seemed to adore his dad which was pretty odd to me. Regardless, i found his favour to be  slightly questionable.

"But why?" I ask sipping on the coffee

His eyes shift to the large window, watching the snow fall and settle.

"I feel as if she should know, about us" He explains

I mean I did plan to tell her, eventually. Not too soon though maybe in a few weeks, but it felt wrong to hide it from her. Especially since i told her everything, i'd never hidden something like this from her before and it didn't feel right.

I would let him use his favour on this, before he realised he could have just asked to meet her without wasting his favour. In which case he would absolutely use it for something much more devious and Chishiya-like.

"Your right" I agree "Next weekend i'll take you to meet her"

Hopefully she'd have some time off from work around then.

We returned to the hotel a little while later, from the looks of it the ceremony would be starting soon in the overly grande conference room.

As we go up the elevator, we come to a halt a few floors below Chishiya's. The metal doors slide open, Urumi walking in. She seemed startled herself to see us, even going as far as gasping at the sight of us.

She gave Chishiya a sweet smile, and wedged herself uncomfortably between the two of us.

"You were so good in all your competitions Chishiya" Urumi tells him

He ignores her and steps back into the corner of the elevator as far from her as possible. At this point, I was finding it hard to hate the girl. I felt bad for her and was considering just setting her up with someone so that she'd leave us alone.

"You too...Mitchiko" She adds, her tone much more hateful. To be honest I was surprised, she even decided to give me a compliment of any kind even if sounded like she was being forced to do so. Maybe this was the beginning of Urumi's redemption arc?? Unlikely though if i'm being honest with myself.

"Wow thanks" I say flatly, waiting for us to get to our floor

"Sure" She says not very pleasantly.

"Will you becoming to the ceremony tonight Chishiya?" Urumi asks the uninterested lump in the corner of the room "Last years was fun wasnt it? it starts soon too" She adds

I look to Chishiya after a few moments pass of silence, i thought maybe if he'd answer her questions she'd run out eventually.

"It's mandatory, and last years was the same as it has been every year" He answers after rolling his eyes for the hundredth time.

king of hearts (chishiya x reader) | highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now